CactusChain by Kawilk - Let's Build a Sustainable Future Together

:newspaper_roll: More News :newspaper_roll:

  • The Second version of our Smart Contract is working! :cactus: :chains: :brain: :page_facing_up:
    TRON-IDE.pdf (83.3 KB)
    TRON-IDE2.pdf (79.2 KB)

  • Supporters can acquire a project which will trigger a disbursement of all collected funds to the project writer (purchase action). If a project passes a deadline goal without reaching the funding goal, users will receive their funds back (refund action)
    :computer: Github Commit

What’s next? :next_track_button:

  • :hammer: Continue building dApp that interacts with the Nile Testnet & Smart Contract
  • :art: Polishing user interface and informational website.
  • :coin: Add Smart Contract interaction with TRC721 NFTs to allow minting of Cactus Projects
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Generate test cases for security and functionality