Earned trust level 1 just now! ❤️

Patience is key while your waiting check out https://www.prospective.world/


Wow congrats, when your notification came,I thought it was for me​:joy::joy:


check out Prospective NFT

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What s the solution? Does anyone know how?

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I am trynna get there as well :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, you can vote now!! I suggest WARP by ustx team, in DeFi category :wink:


Wow I’m still trying

I love WARP and your team :gem::gem::gem:

Really hoping I can get this today.

You will get it soon. Just be patient. :+1:

Congratulations!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

great congrats am still grinding here

Congratulations! Curious as to how many hours did it take you to achieve this? I hope to be able to get to level 1 fairly quickly.

come oooooon man let me vote :rage:

What else badges??

what else badges??

Oh that’s cool :smile: must be demanding i guess
Do check out Eagle Eye project on Web3 space

Felicidades! Es muy importante para todo proyecto el apoyo de la comunidad
Aún no consigo el nivel 1, no sé si me lo ganaré a tiempo. Igual es bueno haber visto tantas cosas que no sabía que existían :blush:

maybe you should be more patient and more carefully.

Congratulations!I really want to upgrade.

Congratulations! I am in the process of achieving it