I’m officially a member!

It’s kind of recognition for badges in general. Basic, Member & Regular badge offer some more possibilities on the forum (post topics, vote,…). You can have more info by looking for discourse trust level on google.

I m a beginer with no badge

Congratulations more achievement

Congratulations @bubblegoose . Can you Tell us how to Basic User Increase Fast Their Level :slight_smile:

Congratulations to you…:100:

Congratulations bro
Trust me, the next level is where you wouldn’t want to be :joy:

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i guess you’re happy. I look forward to a day like this soonest.

Congratulations @bubblegoose , This Day is big for You :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Keep being consistent man, congratulations :tada::clap:

Have you visited the lounge yet? :joy::joy::joy:

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Consistency comes with rewards. Keep going, I believe there are more to come; congratulations :white_check_mark:.

Congratulations Dear @bubblegoose . :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hahahaha only a few will understand that advice and you are one of the few :joy:

I’ve been there twice and all vanish to thin air :joy:

When i will be official member of tron

Yeah not sure we can call that a privilege when you join a club and are the only member :smiling_face_with_tear:

You are not just a member but a big one at that…congrat

Congratulations mate. Welcome on board. We are happy to have you.

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Congratulations to you on your new badge

Congratulations sir
Bigger wins coming

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