[2024/09(MM)/22(DD)] Happy Sunday! here is news about CalorieCoin develop update

[2024/09/22] Happy Sunday! here is news about CalorieCoin develop update


  1. FrontEnd UI/UX publishing 100% finished!
  2. Api(Web2) integration 100% finshied!

:arrow_forward:In progress

Blockchain transaction functions (D-App , Web3 Blockchain function) are in progress

Out team always working hard


I’m the only one who didn’t get a picture, I need to buy a webcam soon🤣

Happy Sunday sir, nice progress you making. But I think this post should be under your project post you opened before. Thank you


OK i will move it !
I hope to move it differnt my topic

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The caloriecoin team has reached a significant milestones in it’s development journey.
This is a stunning News thumbs up buddy


Oh wow, feels good to see new updates. But the big question is; wen dark mode? Haha


Can the community members also be a part of your team


if you can come to usa or korea
you can be caloriecoin team!

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
if you can come to usa or korea
you can be caloriecoin team!

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:smile: :smile:

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Can you make me a part of the team since I can not come over there, I am in the Africa and will like to volunteer for your team, thank you


What a great milestone achieved. I admire how so much effort and dedication put in place have yielded good. Anticipating more greatness. Good job.

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Call me +821033753948 anytime when 09AM ~ 06PM (KST)


Hey I want to ask can i use metamask ( with bttc torrent network ) in my application I am making for this hackathonor is it neccsaary to use tron wallet adopter

in 1st test version hackathon app , we use all Tron test network
but 2nd version , we will mint caloriecoin on Tron network , but every information will transacte on BTCC

Yes, we will be using BTTC in the final version.

However, users will not be required to directly import BTTC wallets into Metamask. (Of course, there is no problem at all if you import and use them, but I don’t think it is necessary. We plan to make it so that everything can be viewed in the application.)

All BTTC transactions will only record data used within the services created within our platform, and actual CalorieCoin Token Contract’s transactions will be used in the TRC20 format of the Tron mainnet.

All of the demos currently being implemented are being run on the NILE testnet (It consumes too much energy :smiling_face_with_tear:).

Thank you very much I will call you

I know your team is working fantastically well,but it will be more fun and credible if some members of platform is been included in your team like @Prince-Onscolo, @Relate101 ,@Gordian ,@Nweke-nature1.com, @ines_valerie ,@manfred_jr .
Thanks :+1:


Idk how open this offer is but if this your number is WhatsApp-able I might as well drop you a sticker that says; “hi it’s a hurricane outside, let me in too.”

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