BabyTuru isn't just a meme coin

BabyTuru isn’t just a meme, it’s a meme with utility & supply reduction :pinched_fingers::gem_stone:

Born on TRON 3+ years ago, team has distributed 100k+ USDT to it’s community :saluting_face::heart_hands:

With epic collabs like JustMoney & ClaimFreeTRX, they’re building BIG :flexed_biceps:

UnClaimed - FallOfMankind is next, more utilities incoming :brain:


Solid and ever building project on Tron.

Outstanding projects as Collab. But seems you

Forgot to add TRONENERGIZE as one of the Collab.


You’re right there brother, I did forget about TronEnergize :folded_hands::heart_hands:


A journey of a thousands miles begins with a babyturu :front_facing_baby_chick: step, I could remember I first know BBT through your giveaway back then around early December 2021 :grin: which I won 20k BBT, thank you for the opportunity :folded_hands:
BBT is here to stay and make history :pushpin:


Wow, that’s a Long time back, I’m glad you still remember :saluting_face::heart_hands: Amazing friendship began back then and we’re still here :handshake::flexed_biceps:


Sure bro, thank you,… better days ahead :high_voltage::flexed_biceps:

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Yeah, I’m thankful I got a second chance in my life :saluting_face::heart_hands: Not many got that opportunity :person_shrugging:


Sure bro :folded_hands: free oxygen (air) we breath is highly underrated because everyone wants lambo :grin: , once you are alive and strong, you many reasons to be grateful :folded_hands:

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3 years+ is such a long time

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I see you stuck around for quite awhile now, I’m still a newbie to your ecosystem, happy anniversary, if that’s what it is, cheers :clinking_glasses::bottle_with_popping_cork:

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It is and the team continues to build no matter the state of the market :flexed_biceps:


Thanks bro, much appreciated :folded_hands::saluting_face::heart_hands:

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I want a lambo too :grin::joy::joy:

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That is the dream of almost everyone including me :joy: but staying alive and being in the state of good health is most important :folded_hands:

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BabyTuru is a is brand in tron. together we promote it

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