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Very Reliable Product!! Looking Forward to see its real world usecase!!

Lets Support Each other!!

Do Checkout my Project also at:- https://forum.trondao.org/t/the-existential-dread-launchpad-memecoin-launchpad/23948

Here is a glimpse:-

Project Name: The Existential Dread Launchpad
Project Track: DeFi
Team Name: Team TED
Team Member: BlurryFace04

Devpost Project Link: https://devpost.com/software/ted-the-existential-dread-launchpad

Project Goal: Simplify the creation of memecoins on the Tron network while addressing liquidity concerns.

Project Value:TED is a memecoin launchpad on the Tron network. It simplifies the process, allowing anyone to easily create their own memecoin. TED utilizes a bonding curve to address initial liquidity concerns and automatically transfers liquidity to a DEX upon reaching a certain market cap.

Project Info: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGCxYEu4ls/Ir--F0ivREZXzbcNPHRq9w/view?utm_content=DAGCxYEu4ls&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

Project Website: ted.quest

Twitter: x.com

Project Test Instructions:

  1. Make sure your tronlink wallet is set to Nile Testnet
  2. Go to our website: https://ted.quest
  3. On the explore page checkout the memecoins developed by other users
  4. Click on one of them to view the trading options and the chart, e.g.: https://ted.quest/TJyfobTUqGRJ1tCckd1uCv1JA4VnhLghig
  5. Launch your memecoin into the cosmic void by filling out these basic details about your memecoin: https://ted.quest/launch
  6. You can even edit your profile and view the memecoins that you have launched: https://ted.quest/my-profile

Project Details:
Video Demo:


Smart Contract links:
LinearBondingCurveFactory: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
LinearBondingCurve: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器

Project Upcoming Milestones:

  1. Gain initial users testing TED on testnet
  2. Launch on Mainnet
  3. Integrate with a DEX to provide actual liquidity to a memecoin when it reaches a marketcap of $69,000.