Idea pista ecológica

Alguien ha pensado en crear un proyecto o adaptarlo, de construcción de casas de cáñamo industrial.
Entre todas las ventajas que esta planta tiene, en la construcción presenta, larga durabilidad de los materiales, acústicos y térmicos.
Repele plagas de insectos, es completamente autosostenible.
Precisamente en Africa existe una construcción de este tipo.
Podía crearse un complejo de este material.
¿Qué opinais? No dejeis de informaros sobre los beneficios del cáñamo industrial, en salud, belleza, ropa y calzado, automoviles, papel, fertilizante, construcción, etc…
@Nana66419 tu habrás visto el vídeo y sabrás de lo que hablo.


The only hemp industry I know is @PrimoOceanDAO If am not mistaking,…currently I don’t think there is a project running about hemp but it be a really nice move if there is one


Si ellos se están dedicando a la investigación de la fibra de cáñamo con la cual se puede hacer, ropa, calzado, cuerdas, etc.
Mi planteamiento sería a nivel de construcción de hogares, donde tanto si es un sitio caluroso o muy frío, es térmico, lo cual se consigue un gran ahorro energético, a parte de ser inocuo para la salud por ser completamente natural.


Oh I see, I got you now, it will be a very nice step if there is a team who can and also capable to establish it


It is a good idea, I have read about everything that can be done with industrial hemp, apart from avoiding the felling of trees and the same amount of hectares quadruples the hemp product.


Yes, We are actively doing R&D on all types of hemp products. We have access to over 200K acres of farm ground to expand into the fiber game. The issue is the supply chain is still very young. It crazy how much the tron community is sleeping on primo and uneducated about us and our products. We are also taking this into the metaverse with our meta Hemp Hideaway inside who just got a 53,000,000 CDN Liquid Avatar Technologies Opens Its Series A Financing in Aftermath Islands Metaverse and Receives Lead Share Purchase Agreement . Our land sale is already live with a farmer package included as well.

We have partnerships with companys like hempwood and are actively trying to help build the supply chain and educate the consumers on the use cases. BioFuel is a big one we have started R&D on. Hempcrete is what @antonio is talking about and is in fact an amazing use for homes. The issue is the labor and supplys. I think once the tech is here using Hemp Fiber with 3d printed homes will be the easiest. @antonio wed be more then happy to work with you on something just reach out.

2023 plant season has started for us also

Primo is a GEM


Not to mention hemp is one of the best plants to grow for the environment. Carbon Credit market will be great for hemp.