TRON Successful Businesses / Dapps

This will be very useful for projects building on TRON if you want to read.

Many DAPP and Hackathon projects fall into this trap of trying to create DEXs or NFT solutions that could work but currently on TRON are not profitable thus having an unsuccessful business.

I want to show what is currently working on TRON.

I wanted to write about this for some time. I’ve been watching the top accounts for energy resource usage.

Right now the smart contract of USDT is 90% of the energy resource making USDT the most valuable token on TRON.

But which accounts are using the most energy?

TRON’s top account is owned by Bybit but Binance has several listed wallets on TRON and overall is the #1 profitable business on TRON.

You can find this information here TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器

To fully understand it you have to also understand how staking for Energy works on TRON so that you can utilize FREE transactions.

Binance profits an estimated $294,353 per day and is the most successful business on TRON.

They charge users around $1.00 per txn fee for USDT TRC20 transfer when it costs them $0. because it is covered by their staked energy.

This results in them making $107 million in profit per year.

On top of that the TRX that they hold accumulates 4% APY from governance and they can become a super representative. TRX is also a deflationary asset.

Bybit generates $35 million profit per year from TRON.
Mexc generates $18 million profit per year just from TRON.

So how to build a successful application on TRON?

There are several business avenues but all require you to be a significant TRX holder to utilize energy for FREE txns. Then you charge your users a fee which is your profit for your service.

One way to get around not being a large TRX holder and to test your idea before becoming a large TRX holder is by renting energy from energy markets. This allows you to test your business before jumping in and purchasing a large TRX stake.

I assume a lot of these exchanges are also using TRX customer holder funds and give a kickback perhaps in governance APY 4% to customers, while utilizing the free energy.


Dapps should utilize USDT as a lot of emerging markets want USDT because they lack access to USD in their country.

  • Energy markets are profitable and low entry. (Require marketing and lots of competition already)
  • P2P exchanges (There are a lot of successful TRON p2p exchanges that aren’t utilizing TRX for energy because they don’t understand it. That is an advantage.
  • Payment providers (Anything utilizing USDT on TRON. Yellowcard utilizes TRC20 USDT but again they lack knowledge surrounding energy so they aren’t as profitable as they could be)
  • Centralized apps. People actually prefer apps that have centralization like Binance, MexC, bybit. Clean user interface, a place to send their USDT and gain return without having to know DEFI. (Binance utilizes DEFI in the background for users who just want it simple). This takes a lot of trust though as scammers are prevalent throughout crypto.

Of course everything will acquire you to do marketing to find customers and trying to beat Binance is an uphill battle.


The advantage a lot of True Tronics have is that they understand how energy works while a lot of big businesses just don’t care to understand. (Some big businesses do though)

This is their mistake.


Also here are a few businesses that utilize USDT on TRON a lot but don’t utilize TRX energy to the fullest. (Payment) (p2p) (physical payment)
Grab. The Everyday Everything App (Rideshare/Food delivery with USDT payment) (On/off ramp)

Pretty much anything that can utilize USDT as a form of holding/payment.


Thank you for this piece, actually the energy market is really something to bank on.


Considering the dominance of centralized exchanges (CEXs) like Binance and the role of USDT on TRON,

Q1 how can a Decentralized Application (DApp) effectively compete and carve out a niche for itself within the TRON ecosystem.

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In my opinion it would probably be designing friendly UX/UI Wallets that interact with the chain.

These wallets serve as a “hub” for all users across blockchains and can even be multi-chain.

TrustWallet is a prime example. A lot of users use Trustwallet on TRON because its multi-chain and you can hold TRX/USDT on it.

The issue here is Trustwallet doesn’t interact with TRON Dapps properly and has no functions for interacting with energy or the such so when Trustwallet users try to use TRON or its dapps it doesn’t work.

If you don’t want to design or compete in wallets then it would be at the services provided in wallets.

  • On/Off Ramps
  • Payment
  • DEX swapping
  • DeFi Earn

You just have to look at services already provided by CEX and see why they are so popular.

In summary: Wallet providers are basically the decentralized exchange hubs and need to be simple, clean, and safe.

One thing is metamask has things that are called snaps. These are designed by 3rd parties for integrating blockchains into metamask. Solana has one, one could possible make a TRON one.

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