Tron $TRX Heading to All Time High?

Happy weekend everyone in the forum.
It been few days since the S7 Qualifiers And Winners List

Congratulations to everyone, winners of each track and projects. Congratulations to my fellow Contributor winners


Congratulations to Myself too. Thank you everyone for your supports. Once again congratulations to all, its not easy, but you all made it.

For the project, keep building.
Special thanks to the admins, @SimbadMarino @TronLive @adeel @WindsOfChange92. They keep working marvelously well. Kudos.

    Seeing the recent Tron $TRX Price movement. Got me happier and Bullish. Who else is feeling same?

Let have some engagement fun here

  • Are you happy with recent TRX price upward moves?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not a new thing to me
0 voters

We have been battling with TRX hitting ATH

  • With this current TRX move, should we expect TRX at ath before end of year?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not feasible at all
0 voters

Some of us Tron OG have been holding TRX since day 1 of TRX.

  • If TRX should surpass ATH soon, what will be your next moves?
  • Sell most for profit or stables
  • Hold on dear life
  • Buy more TRX
  • Celebrating TRX ATH, with event like Getting TRX tattoo, TRX party, celebrate ath on social media, do some giveaways etc.
  • Act like nothing happened
  • Become more proud to identify with Tron TRX
  • Write your next moves in comments below :point_down:
0 voters
  • Are you currently happy with your TRX bag :moneybag:?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Wish I bought more before now
  • I can’t even relate
0 voters

Congratulations to you too as well, whales like you are more than happy seeing Trx at this price level,…I will always be at the back seat :seat: clapping and celebrating :tada: you guys, please remember me in your paradise at an ATH :palms_up_together:

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I got my price target for TRX on ByBit and HTX set for 0.2 respectively, the daily scalping profits I’ve taken at this current price is well enough to afford a cup of coffee :coffee:, so I’m ecstatic and at the same time hopeful given TRX was my first Crypto hold when I got onboarded into this space in 2019
Thanks for sharing by the way


I did not know for a very long time up until recent times that you can be holding crypto and be taking the extra additional profit that is different from the initial value of it and I have been doing it wrong by selling everything and I am thinking that that is the scalping that @manfred_jr is talking about, so when the trx do new ath I will also do new shopping from the profit because in crypto they say always take profit, thank you


That’s a good technique, I’m elated asf given that this post by @Gordian came in timely as TRX just hit my set target of 0.2 :muscle:t2:


Thank you for sharing your style to take profit, we are learning very very well everyday


Congratulations to you and to the ones you tag, seeing $TRX heading to ATH is good for holders. I wish I have more of $TRX.

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What is the Prize pool for the winners