About the Hackathon Season 3 category

Submission is 15th of the Month

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The hackathon is currently ongoing

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I’m ready to participate in this project


I’m wishing all the participants best of luck in the Hackathon competition

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hy admin, requesting access to s3


What is the requirement for someone to participate


Requesting access to Season 3 TRON grand Hackathon Post.

I want to participate in the tron hackaton my devpost user name is jennifer234

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Hi, requesting access to the hackathon post
Team: TickeTron

Requesting access to Season 3 TRON grand Hackathon Post.

Hey @admin.hackathon cannot create a Topic, but would like to participate in Season3. Already sent in the entry to Academy via the google form, but cannot do my topic here.

Hey @admin.hackathon, requesting here again for TWJ Retro Games entry for Hackathon S3. Please let me know if permission has been made available for the project. The project has already been uploaded on DevPost.

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Hello, I would like to submit 2 hackathon projects for season 3but cant make the post here on the tron dao, please advice as the deadline is only 4 hours away, thank you.peter
my devpost username is petrkrulis

Hello there, my team joined the hackathon on devpost and would like to announce our Project here as well! User Name: ender-mat , @admin.hackathon

hello have you been granted permission to create post here on tron dao?

@admin.hackathon I have a doubt about the submission: we need to specify if our project is new or is an update/extension of an existing project. Our entry is a completely new dApp, with new functionality, released within the USTX ecosystem (DEX, STAKING, WARP, TELEPORT, etc…).
What should we select: new or update?

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Wow hackathon season 3 is the best

Hello Please add me to the Hackathon, my devpost username is TokenRoll

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@admin.hackathon I cannot PM you. I asked for approval hours before the deadline. My submission on devpost is devpost(dot)com/software/tokenroll-io
Please add me as I spent 130 hours working on this, especially for the Tron hackathon!


I need access to Hackthon Season 3 @admin.hackathon

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