HackaTRON S3 community topics - $5K in prizes!

Heya everyone, we are back with our community topics for Season 3! Let’s get straight to the point, shall we? :smiley: As with TRON Grand Hackathon Season 2, we have prizes to give out to TRON DAO Forum community members, even if you are not participating as a coder for this season’s hackathon. :tada:

According to the Hackathon 2022 S3 rules:

  • Bonus: Community Contributor Prize $5,000 - Determined by the TRON DAO team based on an individual’s valuable contributions during the hackathon. Awarded to individuals who did not win another prize. The individual does not need to be a hackathon project participant. Up to 10 individuals may split this prize pool with a minimum of $500 per person.

All you need to do is be active in the forum, especially in the Hackathon Season 3 - TRON DAO Forum category and in this post.

  • Check out HackaTRON S3 projects that have already been posted to the forum and leave some questions so you know what their hackathon projects are about.
  • Help out by answering any questions any community members may have here.
  • If you encountered any spam/scam posts, you may also flag them for the admin’s attention.
  • Continue to ask questions and help out others even after submission and before the winners’ announcement.
  • You may also create a guide, useful tips, video tutorials, etc to help out the community or hackathon participants.

All these actions will help you towards getting the $500 bonus community contributor prize!

We noticed a lot of improvements and fantastic feedback for the current S3 structure and rules, but let’s revisit back on S2 and see what else we can improve going forward. So, here are two topics to kick-start our conversation for this season.

Q. Have you tried out any past S2 winners’ projects? Any good ones you would like to share with the community?

Q. Are there any S2 projects that you wish to see some updates from the official team?

Q. What can we do to make HackaTRON S4 better, please state the reasons for your suggestions.

Q. We can see that although TRON DAO is doing a lot of promotion for S3, and even Devpost is promoting our HackaTRON S3 more often, it is getting harder to attract developers to join during a crypto bear market. What out-of-the-box idea do you have to attract more developers to S4?

Q. For S4, how should we deal with projects that have entered a past TRON hackathon? How do we define an extension of an existing project (e.g. If a project participated in an existing NFT track in S3 and they utilized the NFT and created a game in S4, does it count as a new or existing project)? It’s hard to draw boundaries so let’s see what you all can come up with!

Q. For those who are not following our HackaTRON S3 closely, we actually do have a mini-hackathon that was done on-site (offline) in the U.S. Let’s say for S4, teams that met certain qualifications will have to present to judges on-site, will this make the hackathon more exciting and legit? Please share your thoughts on having on-site hackathon events as part of our ongoing online hackathon.

Q. A lot of existing hackathon projects couldn’t make it to the eligible project list and one of the reasons is that they have not made a “significant update” to their existing projects. How should we define “significant update”?

Q. Although the hackathon team will look into all voters closely and remove suspicious votes from the calculation like what we did in S2, which projects that are on the current voting list do you think require extra attention? Please also state the reasons.


niceeeeee… I like the project from justmoney in season 2


Nice :slight_smile: Welcome back.

For the season 2, I still stand by my votes, they are all still active and delivering :fire:

Just a few (can’t remember them all just like that sorry :sweat_smile:):

JustMoney, USTX, iSwap, Turu Global, Tronbies, Cubie, DebaWulf’s pack, TWJ, Tronninjas, Tronverse, ThanX, LionX Music Dao,…

A little bit disappointed to see some winners that have renounced to deploy on mainnet. I hope this time the grant will be allocated after deployment :crossed_fingers:


Hello :wave:

Happy to see that it is season 3, hope we will have best projects which can attract millions of mainstream users to tron eco, I wish all participants very best

Thanks :rocket::rocket:


Glad this section is back for community contributors :sunglasses: :ok_hand:


And here we are again for season 3 already !

Looking forward to this season and what kind of great new projects it will bring to TRON .

Q1 Most definitely the forum winners have proven their worth and delivered as should Turuglobal ,JustMoney, USTX,Tronbies, Cubie, DebaWulfs pack, NRG , Tronverse, ThanX, LionX , Tron Energy bot

Q2 i would love to see updates from ALL racket winners beside the forum winners , these projects have received great amounts of funding but have so far delivered very little to none .



This is my first hackathon on TRON, i love the way it is organised and manager.
I checked previous projects with my team to get an idea about how previous winners have performed then and what is new on their platform.

It is was disappointing to see many projects whose link has expired or there is no audio in the video submitted.

I am sure TRON DAO members must be taking relevant actions and improvements would be visible in judging projects in this season.

P.S.:- I bought my first TRON in 2019 and participating now is very exciting.


@tronlive @Dendorion what do you think about creating a list of all the previous winners from season one and two, check if what they’ve promised has been delivered or not and make it public?
I don’t know personally what to think about it so I’m asking here and would like to see everyone’s opinion on that. There are for sure some pros and cons.
Could contact the teams that haven’t delivered yet and see how it is going and update the status as the projects are going forward.

If it appears that the idea is good, I will contact a group of tronics and see if we can get a grant from TronDao to test the platforms (energy + trx).

The list could be published here on the Forum with a section “delivered”, “going to be delivered”, “Left the boat”.


Btw everybody is very welcome to share his/her opinion about that idea here above :point_up_2:

I’m new here for the hackathon but I don’t understand this view… What all of you are talking about isn’t a hackathon… I’m a student that sometime goes to devpost looking for hackathons where I can hack on some project for a while, submit it and maybe win a prize. That doesn’t mean that I’m creating a project that I’m dedicating all my time to in the future, that isn’t and has never been what a hackathon is. That is much more like some grant/funding system. I don’t see why this should pretend to be a hackathon on devpost if it’s in reality some kind of grant program. I’m not ready to make a commitment to working on something for a long time just because I participate in a hackathon, that takes away from the whole idea of a hackathon. Maybe something like this makes sense for the “ecosystem track” if I think about tough


Thanks for sharing this :+1:
The goal of this list is not to make a witch hunt. It’s more something informative.

In my opinion the purpose of the hackathon eventually is to grow Tron’s ecosystem. Otherwise why would TronDao distribute funds if it’s not to help builders to keep building and enrich the ecosystem.

Having a list of the winners that shows what has been done so far after they’ve received the funds could show:

  • The % of winners that have or keep trying to have a real impact on the Network’s future
  • Which dapps are deployed on mainnet and can be used directly


This list could help in understanding how the distribution of prize shall be.

For example,

  1. In place of giving big ticket prizes of $20k+, number of winners could be increased. This will ensure more hackers learn about TRON ecosystem and sees how they can receive help and guidance from the community.
    When more hackers invest their 2 months of time and doesn’t get rewarded it demotivates them to be in the ecosystem.
    Also, expecting winners to continue building is irrational but rewarding them thousands of grand could be misappropriation of the funds.

  2. New participants could check the list and understand how they can build on top of it and not reinvent the wheel.


I do think winners will keep building if they want to create an ecosystem inside the ecosystem or if they have some other great ideas to bring to Tron.

Totally agree with the last statement. The list could be useful also to newcomers who want to build on top of existing dapps or create some synergy with those :handshake:


I do think this is a good idea and such a list could be usefull. If it should be made public i am not sure but it certainly should be used by TRON for a internal revaluation of the previous rounds.

I would even suggest putting together a due dilligence team , as by the amount of projects the judges have to judge + the time for it , it is very easy to oversee things. With a team in place specifically for the due dilligence part these are filtered out and also result in a better quality for judges to judge .

This can be setup by following a few simple guidelines for the teams to follow around without judging the projects itself .


Totally agree.

For the first part, I was indeed thinking about getting trondao involved all along the process and let them decide if we should publish a list or just keep it internally. Those data are for sure valuable.

For the second part I also think that a team checking the validity of the applications would be useful. But we would need a list of clear criterias that can’t be discussed and make sure the team members aren’t involved in the hackathon as participants. Otherwise it could lead to endless talk.


very nice initiative

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Happy this section is back for community contributors

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@Dendorion @fabsltsa I did some updates to the list I have in TRON-BTTC-Apps/README.md at main · simbadMarino/TRON-BTTC-Apps · GitHub.

I added a “Deployed in mainnet” column for anyone to check how community /hackathon project progress over time.
This is at least 1st prize projects progress up to now:

Feel free to reach me if anyone wants to add a project there or even you can create a pull request in github to updated it.


aren’t they already doing this? before projects get uploaded to devpost, I think they discard the ones that do not fulfill the basic criteria

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Its always good to be back.
Season 2 was epic but i know season three will be alot hotter.

Now back to the questions;

Question 1
I have tried out projects in the season two hackathon in the likes of TuruGlobal’s Africastars NFT, Justmoney,USTX, NRG, Tronbies, DebaWulf’s pack etc.

I even got myself NFTs from the TuruGlobal project which i can say so far so very good, aside the education i get on Africa on a daily basis, i am also earning some cool tokens on the side. I have never regretted getting into that project, and i have you guys to thank cause you gave them the platform for them to be well exposed.

Justmoney too is also my number one in terms of all my swapping deals on tron. Very user friendly.

Question 2:
Just like my brother @Dendorion pointed out, there are projects that got enough funding that was expected to deliver something extra but till date are still lurking in the dark.

Recommendation and suggestions.
I think going forward, the enthusiasm that projects bring onboard in the forum should be considered alot, some projects even without funding are killing themselves to deliver top notch quality things for tron, so imagine if they have the needed funding, they will go all the length in the world to do something great, some projects had no engagement whatsoever but got the highest prizes, how then do we expect engagement after they have won.

As the adage goes “ Even now that Samuel is alive, he is referred to as Ghost, how much more when he is dead and buried”