HackaTRON S3 community topics - $5K in prizes!

Hey all, since the definition of “significant update” to a project was mentioned quite a few times on the hackathon community poll and here by @Sirluke @fabsltsa and @Deba215, let’s talk about it more. Although admin.hackathon already mentioned part of what they are looking for in an existing hackathon project here, let’s see if we as the community can give a clear definition of “significant update”, which the team may be able to use it within the S4 rules.

Q. A lot of existing hackathon projects couldn’t make it to the eligible project list and one of the reasons is that they have not made a “significant update” to their existing projects. How should we define “significant update”?

Q. Although the hackathon team will look into all voters closely and remove suspicious votes from the calculation like what we did in S2, which projects that are on the current voting list do you think require extra attention? Please also state the reasons.