TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Community Vote

Additional Prizes to be Won

Please take note that there are other prizes to be won for the Season 3 Hackathon.

Community Contributors Prize
$5000 in USDD

The Community Contributors incentive is allocated to 10 forum community helpers that give good support, feedback, promotion, etc during the hackathon period (with a minimum of $500 each). The event is still ongoing until the end of the judging period (2022-12-13T00:00:00Z) so make sure to head over HackaTRON S3 community topics - $5K in prizes! and provide your valuable feedback, comment and ask thoughtful questions to as many S3 projects as you can, help out others if you have an answer to their question, flag spam and scam posts, and you will be one step closer in winning a community contributor prize!

Devpost Community Prize
$1000 in USDD

A public vote on the Devpost platform which is voted by the Devpost community. Popularity prize for 1 project.

Project Engagement Prize
$5000 in USDD

TRON DAO picks a project that has good project status updates and engagement with the community but has yet to receive any prizes.