TRON HackaTRON Season 4 - Community Voting!

Hello, HackaTRON participants and Tronics!

Get ready to unleash your innovative spirit because it’s time to vote for HackaTRON S4! Congratulations to all the brilliant hackathon contestants and community members who took part in the TRON Grand Hackathon Season 4. This season, we have multiple crypto partners and large crypto institutions eagerly anticipating the unveiling of your genius!

After an intense preliminary round, we are now left with 80 qualifying projects out of the 172 BUIDLs submitted. Our judges are excited to delve into each of these projects and cast their votes for the Judges-selected Qualifiers. Meanwhile, as a community member in the TRON DAO forum, you will have the power to choose the Forum Hackathon Winners.

Please note that this season’s Hackathon follows an incubator approach. While most projects may not be fully completed at the time of judging, participants must demonstrate basic functionality on the TRON/BTTC testnet or present a Minimum Viable Product if their project doesn’t involve smart contracts. The Judges-selected Qualifiers will receive 30% of their prizes from the Judges-selected winners prize pool and be awarded the remaining when they publish their projects to the mainnet for the community to use by June 1, 2023.

The prizes distribution per track for Judges-selected Qualifiers is incredible:

1st Place $20,000 USDD
2nd Place $15,000 USDD
3rd Place $10,000 USDD
4th Place $8,000 USDD
5th Place $6,000 USDD

As a community member, you have 3 votes per track, and your vote is crucial in selecting the winners who will receive 100% of the prizes in the community-selected winners’ prize pool. This funding will help the teams continue developing and advancing their projects to the mainnet.

The prizes distribution per track for Forum Hackathon winners is:

1st Place $6,000 USDD
2nd Place $5,000 USDD
3rd Place $4,000 USDD
4th Place $3,000 USDD
5th Place $2,000 USDD

You may head over to all of the Web3, NFT, DeFi, GameFi, Builder, and Eco-Friendly tracks and examine each project carefully to see if it is something that you think the TRON community would benefit from. As a bonus, we also have a $5K Bonus Prize for community members who have been active and asking questions in the hackathon project posts.

Tronics, don’t wait any longer! Make your voices heard and cast your votes below. Remember, the poll will show live results after you have voted, and it will automatically close on 2023-05-07T23:00:00Z.

This season, we took a different approach and let the community handle a lot of the action. It’s been great to see you guys voicing your opinions and reporting projects that didn’t meet the standard. This has helped to make the forum more self-maintained by the community. Keep up the good work and continue to share your thoughts in this post. Let us know which projects deserve special attention and which ones need to be approached with caution. Your feedback is crucial to building a thriving TRON community. Let’s show the world what we’re capable of!


If you’re a hackathon participant who’s disappointed that your project didn’t make it to the list above, don’t give up just yet! Let’s examine why your project wasn’t selected. It’s possible that you missed a critical step in the hackathon rules, like registering your project on both Dorahacks and the forum or not having a working demo and demo video to demonstrate your project’s potential. Additionally, your project may have been mainly coded outside of the HackaTRON S4 period, or you might not have made significant changes to it. Please note that we have given many reminders through Dorahacks newsletters, DMs, or posted publicly on the forum to help as many participants reach this stage.

But fear not, there’s still a chance to prove your project’s worth to the community! We are awarding 3 Determination Prizes of 5,000 USDD each to projects that haven’t received any prizes but are valuable to the community. So, even if your project didn’t make it to the community poll above, you can still win one of these prizes by ensuring that your project is fully functional on the mainnet by June 1st and has received positive feedback from the community. Three projects will be selected to win this prize!

Remember, this is your chance to show us the value of your project and its potential impact on the community. Don’t give up just yet - and keep building!


Q. Why can’t I vote?
A. You are considered too new to the TRON DAO Forum. Spend some time and read a couple of posts, leave your comments and participate in the forum. Once there’s enough activity on your account, you will be upgraded automatically to the next rank (Trust Level 1) and you will be able to vote.

Q. How many votes do I have?
You can cast up to 3 votes per track. So, you will be able to vote for a maximum of 18 projects across the 6 tracks for HackaTRON S4.

Q. How can I see the results
A. Once you have voted, you will be able to see the results for the track you have voted on right away. All votes will be public and transparent so the community can check if anyone is trying to game the system.

Q. Why aren’t some projects completed?
A. As requested by the community, HackaTRON S4 is milestone-based. Participants who have made it to this stage need only to ensure that they have a working demo and that their contracts are published to the testnet. Qualifiers will receive a portion of the Judges-selected Qualifiers prize pool and will receive the remaining prizes after publishing their projects to the mainnet by June 1st, 2023. This approach ensures that the community gets to try out the projects and increases conversions. Meanwhile, the winners of the community polls will receive 100% of the community-selected winners’ prize pool to provide them with the funding needed to continue building their projects.

Q. Can contestants create multiple accounts to vote?
A. The forum system will track the IP of each user account and flag suspicious activities to admins. If contestants are found to try and game the system, they may be disqualified.

Q. Why don’t I see all participants on the forum poll?
A. The forum poll has been down-selected to meet the minimum requirement rules that Dorahacks and TRON DAO has set. Only eligible projects that met the hackathon requirements will be listed on the poll. If you are a participant but don’t see your project on the poll, it most likely has been filtered by the team as not enough significant work has been done during the HackaTRON S4 period or you did not meet certain requirements for HackaTRON S4.

Q. Is vote-buying/vote-exchanging allowed?
A. No.

  • Hackathon participants can guide supporters to check out the forum and check out their posts but not through spamming to incentivize
  • Hackathon participants cannot force someone to vote for them
  • Hackathon participants cannot incentivize someone to vote for them (in the form of cash, token, reward, gift, vote exchange, or potential benefit of any kind)

Q. What if I noticed another team is practicing vote-buying/vote-exchanging or other forms of unethical practice?
A. If you notice other project teams that have been practicing vote buying or other forms of unethical practice, please direct them to check out this post.

The TRON DAO team reserve the right to analyze and remove spam, duplicate or malicious votes, or even disqualify teams with unethical practices to keep the community voting as fair as possible. There will be a waiting period after community voting so the Hackathon team can analyze the votes and user accounts closely. Spam accounts and accounts with bad intention solely used for the purpose of the voting will be removed.


Web 3 Projects

You may vote up to 3 projects for the Web3 track. Results will be shown after you have voted.

#W1 Ujjo- NFC Wallet Cards
#W2 ZkTickets - An event ticketing protocol using ZKP
#W3 BlockMenu - Revolutionizing restaurant management with BTTC blockchain technology
#W4 ProvyLens - Your lens into supply chain
#W5 Yinbox - Fully integrated messenger with end-to-end encryption
#W6 CryptoDo - no-code web3 solutions builder for businesses
#W7 D-AD(Decentralized Advertisement) -Data Selling Market Using Data Ownership. YourD’s first service : Web3 Ads rewarding service
#W8 OnChain Vision - Open your EYES on chain world
#W9 Daren Market - The world’s first on chain market for Web3 community and business
#W10 Tronsave - Ultimate solution for enhancing user experience on TRON network
#W11 Trustsight by The Tronacles - Enabling decentralized trust on the TRON blockchain
#W12 TRON Web3 Profile: The Future of Personalized Digital Identity on the TRON Network

Entries for Web3 Track
  • #W1 Ujjo- NFC Wallet Cards
  • #W2 ZkTickets - An event ticketing protocol using ZKP
  • #W3 BlockMenu - Revolutionizing restaurant management with BTTC blockchain technology
  • #W4 ProvyLens - Your lens into supply chain
  • #W5 Yinbox - Fully integrated messenger with end-to-end encryption
  • #W6 CryptoDo - no-code web3 solutions builder for businesses
  • #W7 D-AD(Decentralized Advertisement) -Data Selling Market Using Data Ownership. YourD’s first service : Web3 Ads rewarding service
  • #W8 OnChain Vision - Open your EYES on chain world
  • #W9 Daren Market - The world’s first on chain market for Web3 community and business
  • #W10 Tronsave - Ultimate solution for enhancing user experience on TRON network
  • #W11 Trustsight by The Tronacles - Enabling decentralized trust on the TRON blockchain
  • #W12 TRON Web3 Profile: The Future of Personalized Digital Identity on the TRON Network

0 voters


DeFi Projects

You may vote up to 3 projects for the DeFi track. Results will be shown after you have voted.

#D1 Overview of the TradeCoin project
#D2 Sorrel Banq - Essential Banking for Anyone. Anywhere
#D3 UpDawg - A Decentralized Deflationary Proof of Reserve token
#D4 Ergon by USTX Team - Save, Earn, Participate!
#D5 Swirl Ads. - The decentralised ad platform that puts privacy first, rewards publishers, and offers easy npm package integration. Say goodbye to invasive ads and hello to a better web experience
#D6 MyFend by Fend Group - Empowering Businesses, One Financial Connection at a Time
#D7 Cloak | TronCloak - Secure, private, anonymous transactions , HackaTron Season 4! kangaroo

Entries for DeFi Track
  • #D1 Overview of the TradeCoin project
  • #D2 Sorrel Banq - Essential Banking for Anyone. Anywhere
  • #D3 UpDawg - A Decentralized Deflationary Proof of Reserve token
  • #D4 Ergon by USTX Team - Save, Earn, Participate!
  • #D5 Swirl Ads. - The decentralised ad platform that puts privacy first, rewards publishers, and offers easy npm package integration. Say goodbye to invasive ads and hello to a better web experience
  • #D6 MyFend by Fend Group - Empowering Businesses, One Financial Connection at a Time
  • #D7 Cloak | TronCloak - Secure, private, anonymous transactions , HackaTron Season 4! kangaroo

0 voters


GameFi Projects

You may vote up to 3 projects for the GameFi track. Results will be shown after you have voted.

#G1 METASENS - the Web3 gaming platform for both Web2 and Web3 games
#G2 Bird Catcher Game By Team Hunter
#G3 RevoluTRON - An interactive novel to onboard Web2 users to Web3 (by Irruption Lab)
#G4 WHM - The World Hardest Maze
#G5 Duelers by Tronjoy Team - Platforms Game where you can build your own levels and share profits
#G6 Cukies: Rush & Run – Onboarding Web2 players to Web3 (by Cukies World team)
#G7 One operation - GameFi
#G8 theRevolt - Trading-Card-Game :: GameFi || public beta

Entries for GameFi Track
  • #G1 METASENS - the Web3 gaming platform for both Web2 and Web3 games
  • #G2 Bird Catcher Game By Team Hunter
  • #G3 RevoluTRON - An interactive novel to onboard Web2 users to Web3 (by Irruption Lab)
  • #G4 WHM - The World Hardest Maze
  • #G5 Duelers by Tronjoy Team - Platforms Game where you can build your own levels and share profits
  • #G6 Cukies: Rush & Run – Onboarding Web2 players to Web3 (by Cukies World team)
  • #G7 One operation - GameFi
  • #G8 theRevolt - Trading-Card-Game :: GameFi || public beta

0 voters


NFT Projects

You may vote up to 3 projects for the NFT track. Results will be shown after you have voted.

#N1 - Trade/sell your Steam items (CS:GO/TF2) on TRON!
#N2 TNS Domains - TRX Name Services
#N3 Samhita DAO - Empowering communities to preserve their linguistic heritage
#N4 TronGallery - Online 3D gallery of NFT collections from TRON blockchain
#N5 Tnftmaker creators platform
#N6 SealKey by TRONNuggetz - Bringing exciting secrets on-chain to TRON
#N7 Evoie: The Social Hub Where Artistry and NFTs Converge
#N8 Realtime NFT:- NFTs that update in realtime,
#N9 Wine Vault - blockchain powered fine wines fund (CORK)
#N10 EnergyNFTs - Energy lending through NFTs

Entries for NFT Track
  • #N1 - Trade/sell your Steam items (CS:GO/TF2) on TRON!
  • #N2 TNS Domains - TRX Name Services
  • #N3 Samhita DAO - Empowering communities to preserve their linguistic heritage
  • #N4 TronGallery - Online 3D gallery of NFT collections from TRON blockchain
  • #N5 Tnftmaker creators platform
  • #N6 SealKey by TRONNuggetz - Bringing exciting secrets on-chain to TRON
  • #N7 Evoie: The Social Hub Where Artistry and NFTs Converge
  • #N8 Realtime NFT:- NFTs that update in realtime,
  • #N9 Wine Vault - blockchain powered fine wines fund (CORK)
  • #N10 EnergyNFTs - Energy lending through NFTs

0 voters


Builder Projects

You may vote up to 3 projects for the Builder track. Results will be shown after you have voted.

#B1 Galaxy Throne - A decentralised SciFi Strategy Game V2
#B2 Classic Chords by team Chordians - Unleash The Artist In You & Make Your Own Web3 Music V2
#B3 TuruVerse - The MetaVerse hub for all
#B4 Zombieland By Team Zombie - Survival Web3 Game
#B5 Farming-as-a-Service by the Elk Finance Team - Allowing everyone to harness the most advanced farming contracts in DeFi
#B6 Tronql - full node api and graphql interface to tron
#B7 Cukies World Metaverse - by Cukies World team
#B8 Octan Network: Establish Trust & Credibility in Web3
#B9 TronNRG by TronNinjas, Power in numbers
#B10 Deba’s Wulf Pack – Chapter 3: Michael’s Baby Wulf (MBW)
#B11 JustMoney Spot - Trading Platform
#B12 TRON POS - Android application for accepting stable coins, credit and debit cards payments at the point of sale
#B13 EMTTR: Electronic Medicine Trial and Test Records as a Service for Secure, Transparent Drug Testing Pipeline
#B14 Tronjoy by Tronjoy Team – Free NFTs and prizes for early adopters
#B15 Security Peer for Transport Management and Water Monitoring
#B16 WaveData - Your data is the cure!

Entries for Builder Track
  • #B1 Galaxy Throne - A decentralised SciFi Strategy Game V2
  • #B2 Classic Chords by team Chordians - Unleash The Artist In You & Make Your Own Web3 Music V2
  • #B3 TuruVerse - The MetaVerse hub for all
  • #B4 Zombieland By Team Zombie - Survival Web3 Game
  • #B5 Farming-as-a-Service by the Elk Finance Team - Allowing everyone to harness the most advanced farming contracts in DeFi
  • #B6 Tronql - full node api and graphql interface to tron
  • #B7 Cukies World Metaverse - by Cukies World team
  • #B8 Octan Network: Establish Trust & Credibility in Web3
  • #B9 TronNRG by TronNinjas, Power in numbers
  • #B10 Deba’s Wulf Pack – Chapter 3: Michael’s Baby Wulf (MBW)
  • #B11 JustMoney Spot - Trading Platform
  • #B12 TRON POS - Android application for accepting stable coins, credit and debit cards payments at the point of sale
  • #B13 EMTTR: Electronic Medicine Trial and Test Records as a Service for Secure, Transparent Drug Testing Pipeline
  • #B14 Tronjoy by Tronjoy Team – Free NFTs and prizes for early adopters
  • #B15 Security Peer for Transport Management and Water Monitoring
  • #B16 WaveData - Your data is the cure!

0 voters


Eco-Friendly Projects

You may vote up to 3 projects for the Eco-friendly track. Results will be shown after you have voted.

#E1 CarboEx - Transforming carbon credits trading through blockchain technology
#E2 Ecomarket - Open Marketplace for Procuring Used & Recycled Plastics Online
#E3 MusiCoinCity - myriad places & exclusive sounds
#E4 BlockForest: TRON’s Carbon Credit Explorer & Marketplace
#E5 TronPower: Trading of Renewable Energy on Tron Blockchain
#E6 AurorAqua - Save Water Today
#E7 Drone DAO for Integrated Water Management, Logistics, Operations and Sustainable Estate Development
#E8 CarbonPort by TRONic Greens - Bringing cross-chain tokenized carbon assets to TRON
#E9 Trustree - Measure, report, verify and fund forestation projects with digital transparency
#E10 EcoDAO | A green world with TRON
#E11 ForGreen - Donation events as a service, to create the most easy, transparent, fun NFT charity auction, to help organizations raise additional support for a green world!

Entries for Eco-friendly Track
  • #E1 CarboEx - Transforming carbon credits trading through blockchain technology
  • #E2 Ecomarket - Open Marketplace for Procuring Used & Recycled Plastics Online
  • #E3 MusiCoinCity - myriad places & exclusive sounds
  • #E4 BlockForest: TRON’s Carbon Credit Explorer & Marketplace
  • #E5 TronPower: Trading of Renewable Energy on Tron Blockchain
  • #E6 AurorAqua - Save Water Today
  • #E7 Drone DAO for Integrated Water Management, Logistics, Operations and Sustainable Estate Development
  • #E8 CarbonPort by TRONic Greens - Bringing cross-chain tokenized carbon assets to TRON
  • #E9 Trustree - Measure, report, verify and fund forestation projects with digital transparency
  • #E10 EcoDAO | A green world with TRON
  • #E11 ForGreen - Donation events as a service, to create the most easy, transparent, fun NFT charity auction, to help organizations raise additional support for a green world!

0 voters


Voting is live
Wishing you all the best
keep building

Big congratulations to all the projects who made it to this far and to those disqualified, Next season is just around the corner. Prepare and come again
All the best :pray:


Lfgoooooooooooo​:fire::fire: so excited


Spread the gospel


Guyss, the voting process has started :face_holding_back_tears:
Do not forget to vote for the projects you like!
We are a big supportive family :star_struck:


It’s finally time
Good luck guys


And the democratic process begins. :tada:

Congratulations to all the projects which has passed the pre-selection.

Enjoy the ups and downs of votes for next seven days.

Let the voting begin. :tada:


Congratulations to all 80 projects that make it to this stage,… wishing all the projects all the best :handshake:


Hottest track​:fire::fire::fire:
3 out of 16 projects
May the best win :pray:


I didn’t check defi category yet, so I will vote others. My advice to everyone is before checking projects be sure u checked all of them

So we can be more fair as community :asterisk:


Momento de votaciones, cabe felicitar a todos los proyectos los que han llegado y los que lo intentaron.
Empecemos la ronda aportando nuestro voto por los proyectos más relevantes para la comunidad.
Gracias a todos.


Hoping for a fair voting process.
Happy voting everyone :smiley_cat: