Deba’s Wulf Pack – Chapter 3: Michael’s Baby Wulf (MBW)

Project Name: Deba’s Wulf Pack – Chapter 3: Michael’s Baby Wulf (MBW)
Project Track: Builder
Team Name: The Pack
Team Member(s): – Chevkev, Debasish, Annepan, Michael, TFG
Dorahacks Project Link Deba’s Wulf Pack – Chapter 3: Michael’s Baby Wulf (MBW) | Buidls | DoraHacks
Project Goal: Decentralizing the e-book market using BFTS and TRON Blockchain. Creating the Web3 ecosystem for e-book readers.

Project Info

Demo on how to mint and access ebook (from 5:50 min onwards)

Chapter 1 of Deba’s Wulf Pack (DWP) was the first decentralized e-book on TRON.

Chapter 2 of DWP was called Annepan’s FUD Spray. It was the first NFT collection on TRON dedicated to Women of Crypto and imbibed the concept of using memes and humor to counter FUD.

The current chapter in the series is called MBW (Michael’s Baby Wulf)

Chapter 3 MBW comes with

Unique breeding concept: Holders of 2 DWP (Deba’s Wulf Pack) NFT + 1 AFS (Annepan’s FUD Spray) will be able to breed the MBW NFT.

MBW will have a NEW e-Book called ‘The Spiritual Crypto Whale’ embedded into it as unlockable content.

The book has been written by our Team Member Debasish Das.

The basic crux of the e-book is:

  • Guide to mind control.
  • Ways of leading a happy and objective life.
  • Principles of how to make life better for self and community.
  • The concepts of freedom and the role crypto plays in it.

Along with the new original book the collection with come with new original NFT artwork.

  • The theme is baby wulf with props depicting the childhood of Gen X.
  • Users get co-ownership of IP rights to the book.
  • Users can define the pricing of the collection.
  • Users can read the eBook and subsequently resell, and rent it out on a P2P basis thus making the process truly decentralized.

Over the last 2 seasons, the Wulf Pack has grown in strength. Meet them on Telegram The group has 2400 members. Currently, there are 235 pack members actively supporting the entire TRON ecosystem

The overall objective is to leverage the Wulf Pack to build a thriving community that not only benefits from the project but also contributes to spreading awareness about Web3 & TRON ecosystem; thus creating a positive, happy, and prosperous environment for all to grow simultaneously.

The collection uses BTFS to host the eBook thus making the asset decentralized.

Project Website: Kraftly
Project Test Instructions Deba’s Wulf Pack: Chapter 3: MBW - Hackatron Season 4 - YouTube

Project Details:

Smart Contract links TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器

Project Milestones

  • Complete writing the e-book: 2nd April 2023. Status- Done
  • Complete creating the new NFT Collection: 5th April 2023. Status – Done
  • Complete deploying the Smart Contract: 8th April 2023 - Done
  • Collection live on TRON: 10th April 2023 – Done
  • Minting – Ongoing



As predicted, this track is on fire :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:
Seeing great projects and most are my favorite projects.
You are welcome team, I am wishing you all the best


Great to have you on this Grand hackathon season 4 on the builders Track, wish you all the best :handshake:


Me alegro de tenerte de vuelta en este S4.


Wow looks amaaaaazing! All the best!


Greetings @Chevkev ! Thank you for your post!


The NFT collection looks really adorable, and I can’t wait to be reading the :open_book: BTFS Book!

The project strongly focusses on its community on Telegram and teaching its members about blockchain and crypto. Some well-established community members are highlighted with a NFT collection or a NFT special (or both) dedicated towards them. MBW highlights our community member :netherlands: @SalsaMike. The theme and traits of this NFT pack reflect his personality. There’s also a special “Golden Boy” that is not for sale. It is very hard to obtain, as you need 10 :radioactive: Nolian Fragments which are dropped each week in the community. Actively participating in the community might get you more :radioactive: Nolian Fragments and :drop_of_blood: Kill Points.

The cover of the book has been created by our community member & AI artist :sweden: clagge. He makes various artworks using AI for the NOLE community, minting them as NFTs, and hosting giveaways in the chats!

Upon joining the community, you will be given a free :wolf: Wulf Pack :fire: avatar that you can use for your profile.

There are three community groups:

  • Lobby - this is where you join the pack
  • VIP (Very Integral Part) - an exclusive group for dedicated Nolians. Ask the admin team how to join.
  • NIC (NOLE Inner Circle) - an exclusive group for those who actively hold over 5000 NOLE

Being a NIC, I got to see some early footage of MBW and also give feedback and suggestions. I am happy to say that the feedback and suggestions from the NIC were taken serious and have mostly been integrated.


Your designers need to be proud. They put awesome job here. Good luck in season4.
Nice project :star2: @Chevkev


Amazing project cool NFTS great community and great administration @Chevkev and @Deba215 :heart:

I hope one day this project is world leading project :heart:


Super solid project, and a proud member of it. Really great work with this. The E-book and the nfts artworks are dope!


Welcome to Season 4

Is the story based on any real-life experiences or events?


Welcome to this Hackathon, your project is always interesting


I m sure you will love reading this book :heart_eyes:


Woah that’s a lovely post :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks @Classe for designing this amazing book cover 🫶🏻


sure sure can’t wait for this.
We have spiritual whales :grinning: they may be the ones who usually dump on us hahahaa


The book is based on knowledge gained from ancient literature, benefits of which the author experienced in his real life :blush:


Every time I think I have seen everything in web 3, I come across an idea that proves me wrong. Still wrapping my mind around this. Anyway, the graphics are looking great. Wish you all the best team!


This arts is lovely i must say dope


great to see you here @Prince-Onscolo thank you for the kind words! :fire:

see yourself as part of the team! we are all building #dwp together :100: