This is the Hackathon project posts category for the Season 3 of TRON Grand Hackathon 2022. Please note that for Season 3 (S3), all participants will have to make a project post in this category and eligible projects will also be up to win an additional Hackathon forum prize. Please make sure to sign up on as well if you are participating in the Web3, NFT, DeFi, NFT, or Ecosystem track, as it is one of the current hackathon requirements. The Academy track will have a separate registration link and will be posted here when it is ready.
Requesting access to Season 3 TRON grand Hackathon Post.
Hi @technoprepay
Looks like you posted to the incorrect post.
If you are looking to join the Hackathon S3, you should be posting your request with your Devpost username to TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Get started Now!
Looking forward to see your participation!
Hi Admin, requesting access to build on Tron Grand Hackathon season 3. Devpost username is ashingtonw6
Requesting access to Season 3 TRON grand Hackathon Post. Devpost username is mruhankhan
Greetings Admin,
Kindly requesting access to build on GrandHackathon season 3.
Devpost username : Sharath_1517
Thank you,
S Sharath Lingam
Greetings Admin,
Kindly requesting access to build on GrandHackathon season 3.
Devpost username : Nischa_2002
oleksiivinogradov still have no access to post
Greetings Admin,
Kindly requesting access to build on GrandHackathon season 3.
Devpost username : oleksiivinogradov
Hi all, please note that if you are joining Hackathon S3, you should post your username and request to TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Get started Now! and not in this post.
We have added all of the requesters above (@ashingtonw6 @mruhankhan @Sharath_1517 @Nischa_2002 @oleksiivinogradov) to the hackathon group.
Please make sure to post your project in the Hackathon Season 3 - TRON DAO Forum category otherwise you won’t qualify for the hackathon. Thank you.
I still can’t create post in NFT and GameFi @admin.hackathon
Hi team, where can I see the uploaded projects?
Hi! where can I select the category that we are takeing part in, and also where can I see the project template
Thanks! @admin.hackathon
I’m going to submit through the Ecosystem track.
Could you clarify if deploying on one of the following testnets is accepted:
- Goerli (Ethereum testnet)
or - Mumbai (Polygon testnet)
Requesting access to Tron Grand Hackathon season 3. Devpost username is
Greetings Admin ,
Kindly requesting access to build on GrandHackathon season 3.
Devpost username is @julienSAFU
Hi @admin.hackathon,
We kindly ask for the access to Season 3 TRON grand Hackathon Post.
What a nice writeup, keep it up guys
Hey i am ready to participate in this tron hackathon , i would like to choose the theme --》nft based on tron
Nice, when will it start I am really looking up to it