Dear @Sunny
Thanks For Liking its Your Love Dear…
hello everyone!
I’m excited to share some great news: Gallery #2 is now available for purchase!
remember: the “Preview & customization” mode is free, allowing you to change the textures and see how it looks.
however, once you purchase the gallery, you’ll not only be able to customize it, but you’ll also be able to see and place your NFTs in that gallery.
to give you a better idea of how NFTs can be displayed, I’ve attached a GIF showing how they are placed on the gallery walls
Thank you for your reply to me I am getting the message more clearer now
I am very much convince that you are a hard worker, keep it up
Welcome to the hackaTRONs7 ! Watched your demo video. Looks very similar to a project we had last seasons. What are your plans for the future of artiverse? How will you get more users to use this platform?
Thank you for the response. I will test your project and come back with my feedback
ines_valerie, thank you for your kind words
hello jimmyhalpert
for now, only NFTs created through our platform can be showcased in the 3D spaces. However, this is just beginning! support for existing NFT collections on TRON, as well as those from other chains, will be added through the upcoming “bridge NFTs” feature, the first version of this feature will be available soon.
I’ve quoted below some messages where I provided more details on this topic.
I’d sure check it out, your work ethic is quite commendable.
The NFTs cloning between chains sounds quite new. In this stead, would there be royalties attached? Just like opensea does
hello everyone!
The NFT Bridge from TRON to EVM chains has officially launched!
This feature allows for cloning NFTs, keeping the original NFT safe on the TRON network while enjoying a copy on the new chain.
Users can now bridge created NFTs on TRON to Base Testnet (EVM). More destination chains will be added in the future!
The option to bridge from EVM chains to TRON will also be implemented soon.
I’ve attached a GIF showing the process: 
You are very much welcome my friend
hello everyone!
I’m excited to announce that a new gallery customization feature is now live!
You can now enhance your owned galleries with a variety of decorations, making your spaces even more unique.
when you open your gallery, look for the “Decorations” button at the top left, just below the “Customization” button. Currently, there are two available gallery rooms, each with designated areas for decorations. These areas will be marked with a blue box, indicating where you can place items. You can also toggle off the visual box if you prefer.
each area has a list of available decorations that you can place.
more areas and decoration items will be added soon.
I’ve attached a GIF below to show how it works!
hi. when we can expect more destinations chains ?
modeling200, new chain added - BTTC Testnet
Now you can bridge your created NFTs from TRON to BTTC
constantinpricope201, I am very glad to hear that, thank you
Great update! Consider tagging a few people to get more eyes on this and hear what people think of the new feature. The more input, the merrier!
Hello everyone!
I’m excited to announce that Artiverse has officially launched on the mainnet !
Mainnet contracts:
- GalleryMarketplace: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
- Artiverse NFTs: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
- Artiverse NFTs (Bridged to Base):
- Artiverse NFTs (Bridged to BTTC): Contract Address 0x8d5be6b665a4e8c8063d1d071041cc243319b7df | BTTCScan
@admin.hackathon @SimbadMarino @adeel @aziztron @Gordian @Smart1 @Youngyuppie @manfred_jr
Excited to hear this. Congratulations team Artiverse on your launch to mainnet