Chums Chat: Your Secure Bridge to the Web3 World

For the hackathon, we’re implementing core features for TRON: wallet connection and in-chat token transfers.

Moving forward, we aim to develop features based on the actual needs of TRON projects and users. Token swapping is one of the options we’re considering.

Yes, I’m there. Got the seed phrase saved too. So what next?


Yes it is saying I need nft


Great! I’ve transferred some native tokens to you. These are needed for fees on on-chain operations.

You can also send these tokens directly in chat, just like any other tokens you have.

The screenshots show my step-by-step process:

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If you don’t mind, shall we continue our overview and move on to Web3 channels, and then to NFT mechanics?

Received it. Thank you. In sending and receiving the token for that chat, please which chain is it. Because I see it is on ethereum from the profile

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This was a transaction on the Everscale blockchain. I’ll use this blockchain to demonstrate various mechanics going forward.

It’s strange that your Everscale wallet isn’t showing up. Here’s a screenshot of your profile, where everything looks fine. Could you please check the Wallet section - are both addresses displayed there? In any case, we’ll fix this :slight_smile:

We need to add which blockchain was used in the transfer message, thanks for the feedback!

Oh wow, this is quite commendable and it’s great to see that you’re catering to traditional companies through a B2B2C approach while integrating the security and customization benefits of Matrix servers, this approach could significantly boost the appeal of your platform for enterprises seeking secure communication alongside potential Web3 functionality.
Moving forward, what level of customization are you offering for the Matrix servers?

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When deploying a Matrix server, it can be highly customized for specific tasks.

  1. Matrix server configuration, for example:
    – Authentication methods (e.g., password, SSO)
    – Privacy settings (e.g., who can create public rooms, invite policies)
    – Federation settings (whether to allow connections with other servers)

  2. Integration of our plugins, for example:
    – Choice of blockchain networks to connect (e.g., TRON, Everscale, Ethereum)
    – Web3 features to enable (e.g., in-chat token transfers, NFT rooms)
    – Web3 domain name services

  3. Promotional settings:
    – Server home page (HTML)
    – Recommended dApps in the browser
    – Whitelist of Web3 channels
    – Whitelist of NFT rooms

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Oh wow :astonished: it really doesn’t get no better than this. It’s exciting to see the degree of customization you offer when deploying Matrix servers, I’m particularly impressed with the flexibility in authentication, privacy, federation settings, and Web3 integrations. Tbh these capabilities, combined with the option to choose blockchain networks and enable various Web3 features, position Chums as a versatile platform for both traditional and Web3 communities.
In terms of authentication methods, will there be support for OAuth2 integrations, allowing companies to link Matrix servers with their existing internal authentication systems?

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Everything that you have being replying to me I just find it that it is a great thing that you are always building and you put different new features, I am seeing that you are mentioning token swapping and I am only thinking of one platform for the work which is JustSwap, are you going to integrate them for your own use or you are going to use all those other DEXs on Tron, thank you

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Yes, we plan to support OAuth2 integration.

In fact, we already have Google OAuth 2.0 implemented.

You can test this feature when creating an account or logging in on the server:

Oh wow, that’s excellent to hear that you’ve already implemented Google OAuth 2.0 for account creation and login! I bet this integration provides a familiar and seamless experience for users, especially those who may not yet be comfortable with traditional Web3 authentication methods like wallet connections.
Makes me wonder; beyond Google, are you planning to integrate other OAuth2 providers such as Microsoft, Facebook, or GitHub? This would allow users more flexibility, especially if they prefer logging in through different platforms.

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Yes, of course, we’re ready to integrate other OAuth2 providers as needed.

Currently, Chums uses OpenID Connect based on OAuth2, allowing users to register through GitHub, Google, GitLab, Facebook, and Apple.

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We plan to develop our product based on the needs of users and existing projects in blockchain ecosystems. DEX integration is one of the components that could bring added value to our users in Chums.

In the case of TRON, we see SunSwap (JustSwap) as a priority for integration. However, we’re listening closely to the TRON community and are open to various options.

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Hi! Community feedback is important to us. Would you like to continue with the Chums overview? I could show you the NFT mechanics next :slight_smile:

It is a very good thing that you will be paying attention to your user needs, I am wondering what is the kind of user education and also the type of support are you going to give to people who are new to DEXs, thank you

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Thanks for the explanation I sincerely appreciate

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We’re focusing on user scenarios and UX to make the experience intuitive. In the case of native integration, users don’t necessarily need to know what a DEX is to use it effectively.

For example, if a user receives TRX in a chat and wants to exchange it for USDT, they can simply go to the Wallet section, select what to exchange, authenticate with one tap, and immediately see the result.

We have various ideas to simplify complex blockchain concepts. For instance, we could natively provide users with energy for transactions. This would be a straightforward and useful feature.

Our goal is to hide technical complexities, allowing users to act naturally in the app without understanding blockchain mechanics.

Chums Chat is a new kind of messenger that combines secure messaging with blockchain technology.
It wants to make it easy for TRON users to use blockchain features like sending tokens and using decentralized apps (dApps) within the messenger.
Chums aims to make Web3 more user-friendly and solve problems like complicated interfaces and fragmented systems.
But my question is

In what way will Chums make sure that TRON and other blockchains like Everscale, Venom, and Ethereum work well together, so users can easily interact and use features across different blockchains.

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