Chums Chat: Your Secure Bridge to the Web3 World

We’re working on several approaches to enable seamless interaction between blockchains:

  1. Multi-server functionality: It allows server owners to select which blockchain to connect and which web3 products to offer. Users can effortlessly navigate between servers, accessing a wide range of features within a unified workspace.

  2. Multi-chain aggregation: This approach enables users to interact with multiple blockchains simultaneously on a single server. The main challenge here is combining natively integrated dApps and features from different blockchains while maintaining an intuitive user experience.

  3. Cross-chain mechanics: Although our current focus is on the first two approaches, we’re also exploring various cross-chain functionalities, such as bridges to facilitate inter-blockchain interactions.

Thank you for your question!

Oh wow, it’s really excellent to see that Chums is already supporting multiple OAuth2 providers via OpenID Connect.
But I’m curious, given that OAuth2 supports centralized identity providers, how do you see wallet-based logins (like Metamask or TRONLink) fitting into your authentication flow?

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We allow server owners to decide which authentication methods will be available on their server.

For example, Chums currently offers four default servers:

–,, and are Web3-enabled servers offering authentication via username/password or seed phrase. Seed phrase login aligns with common Web3 wallet-based methods., a standard Matrix server, offers all typical authentication options, including OAuth2, but excludes seed phrase login as it’s not Web3-enabled.

This flexibility ensures that both Web3 and traditional users can easily access our platform.

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Welcome to this season of hackathon 7
Your project is amazing and mouthwatering.

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Thank you for your reply to me, and I am happy that you make emphasis on the user experience UX, please tell me will you support something like swapping cross chain for your user that want to do it, thank you

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We are exploring several options for seamless interaction with multiple blockchains.

One of these options is the implementation of cross-chain mechanics, including cross-chain swapping. This is a complex task that requires careful design of user flows. Additionally, establishing partnerships with bridge providers and similar services is crucial.

We would be happy to engage with teams from the TRON community to explore mutually beneficial opportunities. For instance, discussing cross-chain swaps with the BTTC Bridge team could be a great starting point.

Oh wow I am very happy that you will be trying cross chain mechanism, please tell me as you are adding cross chain swapping will you support NFTs, thank you

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Great question! This could definitely be a valuable addition, especially considering our focus on utility NFTs. Ideally, if possible, we’d like to connect with the APENFT team to discuss the relevance of NFT features.

Indeed I’m so impressed by Chums’ all in one interface, but my concern is can you share more about your approach to user onboarding and education, especially for those new to Web3.
Thank you

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Oh wow ape NFT is a very big one that I will really like to happen, please tell me are you planning to allow your users to monetize their NFTs in your platform, thank you

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Chums is a messenger at its core, so users are already familiar with the basics. We’re adding Web3 features in a way that feels natural - users might not even realize they’re using blockchain tech.

For NFT mechanics and interactions with NFT marketplaces, we’re aiming to make it super simple. Users will be able to access these features with just one tap.

Server owners can personalize the experience for new users. They can create a welcoming home page, set up a support chat, and recommend interesting dApps and channels to explore.

This isn’t everything; we’re definitely going to come up with more :slight_smile:

Our main focus is on implementing NFT mechanics that provide specific utility for NFT owners within Chums. Currently, this includes access to private rooms.

For example, a digital artist who’s released an NFT collection could create a group where they interact with followers, distribute airdrops, or accept token donations. Or a blogger might offer private direct communication as a subscription service, potentially using burnable NFTs.

Another interesting use case is interaction with digital personas. Purchased NFTs could activate conversations with specific characters, enabled by our bridge with OpenAI.

There are still many possibilities for implementing NFT mechanics that allow for monetization. That’s why we’d like to connect with the team behind the main NFT marketplace on TRON :vulcan_salute:

It’s great to see that you’re offering flexibility in authentication methods.
But I’m wondering, since Web3 emphasizes user control over personal data, how are you ensuring that user data remains private when using Web3 authentication methods like seed phrases?

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Thank you for your replying to me, please tell me are you going to be offering NFT with utility that can be event based, that someone can use as granting access to exclusive events, thank you

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Hi great project,

  1. Why should I use this chat app compared to Telegram, WhatsApp, XMTP (Web3), and other messengers?

  2. When connecting a wallet to a messenger app, wouldn’t a breach risk both the wallet and the messenger?

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I’m really impressed with what your team has achieved so far and you’ve made some great progress, like integrating with Unstoppable Domains and winning a hackathon.
I also appreciate how you’re working to make Web3 technologies easier to use and understand, and addressing some of the big challenges.

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Yeah sure, please let continue
Go ahead please.

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Thank you for question! Here’s how we ensure data privacy during authentication:

– Your seed phrase never leaves your device and is stored in a secure, encrypted storage provided by the device itself

– The private key encrypts the information required to log in to your Matrix account

– All messages and data are end-to-end encrypted by default

– Chums operates on the decentralized Matrix network, where data is distributed across the network rather than stored centrally

– You only need to provide a username to use Chums—no other personal information is required

On the Channels tab, you’ll see a list of dapps that you can create a private Matrix room with (the dapp will act as a participant in the room).

These include NFT marketplace, DEX, Web3 domain service, and other applications from the Everscale ecosystem.

Let’s focus on two dapps:

1 - Tokstock

This is an NFT marketplace from which you can receive notifications about important events, such as getting an offer on your NFT.

We’ll use this channel later when I show you the NFT mechanics.

2 - Chums news

This is our channel where we publish updates and release notes.

Its unique feature is that all messages are permanently stored on the blockchain. This demonstrates the potential of on-chain hosting with a private communication channel for subscribers (echo principle), ensuring transparency and message immutability.

We’ll explore this technology further when I show you how to work with dapps in the built-in browser.

Please subscribe to these two channels. Your screen should look like the screenshots provided.

Yes, utility NFTs can absolutely serve as tickets for various events.

Let me brainstorm a bit.

For example, an NFT could be used to grant access to a conference. With Chums, this could potentially include:

– Easy registration and activation of conference-specific features using the NFT
– Default rooms like general channels and track-specific channels
– Direct messaging with participants and event organizers
– Polls for attendees
– The ability to mint achievement NFTs for participants

If it’s an online conference, the NFT could unlock access to video sessions with live chat.

For in-person events, the NFT could provide exclusive perks like direct contact with speakers, influencers, or VIPs.

Attendees can easily connect and communicate without sharing personal contact information, making networking easier.

After the event, the NFT functionality can be disabled on the server, but attendees can still keep the contacts they’ve made. For organizers, this helps build a trusted and verified audience while respecting user privacy.

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