Chums Chat: Your Secure Bridge to the Web3 World

Thanks for the reply, it’s good to see that you’re prioritizing data privacy and the likes.
Are you planning to integrate hardware wallets (e.g., Ledger, Trezor) for authentication or signing transactions? This could add another layer of security for users who prefer to store their private keys offline.

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I thank you for replying to me and I have read all your reply, please tell me if someone can not attend an event, could they transfer or sell their ticket NFT to another person, thank you

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Are people online? Is this the next discord for crypto

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Chums is indeed a game changer cus is simply making Web3 easy,
Love the all-in-one interface for secure communication, blockchain interaction, and crypto transactions.
Your team is doing great

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Thank you for joining the discussion about our project!

Comparing Chums to existing messengers like Telegram and WhatsApp can be a long conversation, but I’ll highlight the key points that make both the Matrix protocol and Chums stand out:

1- Network Architecture
Most messengers use centralized servers, meaning your data is not truly yours and there’s a single point of failure. Matrix, however, is decentralized, allowing anyone—individuals, communities, or companies—to run their own server. You can connect to any federation or create your own. In fact, the largest Matrix federation currently has over 9,000 servers!

2 - Privacy of Communication
Ensuring the privacy of communication is critical, and this requires comprehensive end-to-end encryption. This applies to all forms of communication—whether direct messages, group chats, file sharing, voice, or video calls.
Additionally, conversations should seamlessly synchronize across a user’s different devices, so access to private rooms is never lost based on where they were created.
Matrix offers all of these capabilities with encryption built in.

3 - User Trust
People need to trust the platform handling their communications. Matrix is fully open-source and welcomes community contributions. It’s used by more than 100 million people, and adoption is growing rapidly. Government organizations in countries like France and Germany, along with major corporations, are implementing Matrix.
For Chums, we don’t modify the core Matrix server code. Instead, we develop plugins that connect Matrix servers to blockchains and other services.

4 - Chums is About Web3
Many blockchain solutions are built for users with a higher technical understanding, which can limit broader adoption. At Chums, we focus on making Web3 accessible by integrating its features into a familiar messenger environment. This allows users to easily interact with blockchains—whether it’s token transfers, NFT management, or using dApps—without needing to navigate complex technical details.

We are also moving towards multi-server support, enabling users to switch between servers, each offering different Web3 functionalities. Additionally, we’re working on multi-chain aggregation, which will allow users to interact with multiple blockchains simultaneously on a single server. Our goal is to bring all these features together into a unified experience, while keeping the interface simple and user-friendly.

As far as I know, XMTP is a technology for encrypted text messaging between wallets.

The key point is in the concept.

XMTP is a protocol designed to integrate into other Web3 products, adding value to them by enabling secure communication.

Chums, on the other hand, is an all-in-one interface concept that provides a full range of communication features alongside Web3 functionality from various blockchains.

Absolutely, data security is our priority.

As for the wallet, the seed phrase is never transmitted to a server and is stored in a secure and encrypted storage provided by the device.

When using the seed phrase for user authentication, the information required to log into the Matrix account is encrypted with the private key.

Thank you for your question about hardware wallet support!

However, Chums is taking a different approach. Our goal is to seamlessly blend communication and Web3, creating an intuitive and simple user experience. We’re focused on integrating blockchain functions directly into the messenger, making Web3 interactions as natural as sending a message.

Hello! Yes, of course, NFTs can be transferred or put up for sale on a marketplace.

Currently, I’m showcasing how Chums works together with @Relate101, and I plan to demonstrate a similar mechanic using one of the utility NFTs we support!

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Thank you, we won’t let you down!

Thank you so much for your support! :slight_smile:

Hello everyone!

I’m excited to share our achievements!

We have implemented TRON support in Chums!

We’d love any feedback, and I’ll gladly explain and show everything :slight_smile:

It is clear where your focus lies and it’s an interesting direction. However, given that you’re simplifying blockchain interactions, are there any plans to integrate DeFi functionalities such as staking, yield farming, or lending/borrowing? This could allow users to manage and grow their crypto assets without leaving the app.

Thanks for your replying to me and you are sounding very very fantastic, please tell me how are you going to do with royalties, are you going to set it by yourself or it is the creator that is going to set it, thank you