FEB Badge by CFT Ecosystem – Affordable Energy Access Powered by CFT

Project Name: FEB Badge by CFT
Project Track: Builder
Team Name: CFT Ecosystem
Team Member(s): 1 team member @Stian
DevPost Project Link: Devpost Link

Project Goal: The FEB Badge aims to provide an affordable and reliable energy access solution for our community users. Instead of staking large amounts of TRX or renting energy, users can purchase an FEB Badge for 5,000 TRX and borrow 200,000 energy every 48 hours. This allows users to complete energy-intensive tasks, such as executing smart contracts, without the need for long-term staking or the unreliability of energy renting.

Project Value: The FEB Badge is a product of the CFT Ecosystem, designed to make energy accessible and affordable. Unlike renting, where TRX is permanently spent, FEB Badge holders can use their badge to access energy repeatedly. Furthermore, users can resell their badges on the secondary market, creating liquidity and an opportunity for early adopters to profit. With only 100 badges available in total and batches of 10 released over time, the FEB Badge offers both practical utility and scarcity-driven value.

Project Website: https://claimfreetrx.io/

Project Test Instructions:

  • Visit the project website and connect your TRON wallet.
  • If you hold an FEB Badge, request 200,000 energy from the platform.
  • The energy will be delegated to your wallet for 15 minutes.
  • After this delegation period, a 48-hour cooldown begins, during which you must wait before requesting energy again.
  • If you don’t own an FEB Badge, you can purchase one for 5,000 TRX or check the secondary market for available badges.

Project Details: The FEB Badge is part of our long-term commitment to building solutions that strengthen the TRON ecosystem. By offering a practical and affordable energy alternative, we are helping users access TRON’s resources without requiring them to stake large amounts of TRX. This makes FEB Badge a perfect tool for DApp users, and anyone who needs periodic energy access. The badge can also be sold on the secondary market, offering financial flexibility and value to its holders.

As long-term builders on TRON, our mission is to create products that contribute to the growth and value of the ecosystem. The FEB Badge is a key part of that mission, making energy more accessible to all.

Project Milestones:

  • Week 1: Initial batch of 10 FEB badges available for purchase. (Completed)
  • Week 2: Website live, energy request feature enabled. (Completed)
  • Week 3: Secondary market for badge resale launched.
  • Week 4: Continued development and refinement of platform based on user feedback.

The need for affordable and accessible energy in the TRON ecosystem was the driving inspiration behind the FEB Badge. While energy is essential for running smart contracts and decentralized applications, acquiring it usually requires users to stake significant amounts of TRX. For many, this is not feasible, which can limit their ability to participate fully in the ecosystem. We saw an opportunity to create a solution that not only makes energy more accessible but also allows users to free up their staked TRX for other purposes.

What it does
The FEB Badge allows users to borrow 200,000 energy every 48 hours without needing to stake large amounts of TRX. This is an affordable alternative to staking approximately 16,000 TRX, as each badge costs just 5,000 TRX. After requesting energy, it is delegated to the user for 15 minutes, during which they can execute smart contracts and other tasks. Once the energy is undelegated, the user enters a 48-hour cooldown period before they can request energy again. Users can also resell their badges on the secondary market, creating a dynamic and liquid ecosystem around FEB Badge ownership.

How we built it
We built the FEB Badge using Serverless architecture and microservices for scalability and efficiency. The backend is powered by node.js and tronWeb.js for seamless interaction with the TRON blockchain. We used MongoDB to store badge and user data, ensuring high availability and scalability as the user base grows. The frontend was developed with JavaScript and HTML, ensuring a simple and user-friendly interface. Solidity was used to develop the smart contracts, adhering to the TRC20 standard for secure and efficient energy delegation.

Challenges we ran into
One major challenge was ensuring that the system could handle increased demand as the ecosystem grows. We had to design a platform that could provide consistent energy access while preventing users from monopolizing resources. Additionally, creating a limited supply of badges (100 in total) while ensuring value retention and scalability was a delicate balance. We also faced technical challenges in automating the delegation of energy and ensuring that users experienced no downtime or delays.

Accomplishments that we’re proud of
We are proud to have created a system that provides affordable energy access to users who previously may not have been able to participate in energy-intensive activities on TRON. We successfully developed a product that frees up staked TRX, allowing users to use their assets elsewhere while still gaining access to energy. Additionally, the FEB Badge introduces a resale market, where users can set their own price for selling their badges, adding a new layer of liquidity to the system.

What we learned
Throughout this project, we gained a deeper understanding of TRON’s energy model and its limitations. We learned how crucial energy access is for the broader ecosystem and how important it is to provide alternative solutions for users who cannot stake large amounts of TRX. This project reinforced the importance of building with scalability in mind and ensuring that our solution can grow alongside the TRON network.

What’s next for FEB Badge by CFT
Looking ahead, we plan to release the remaining batches of FEB Badges as demand grows within the ecosystem. We will also continue refining the platform based on user feedback to ensure a seamless experience for energy requests and badge resale. Additionally, we aim to expand our integration within the TRON ecosystem by offering more services and products that help users interact with TRON more efficiently. Our long-term vision is to continue building on TRON and contribute to the growth and sustainability of the entire ecosystem.

Please join our community at Telegram: Contact @claimfreetrxnow

Anyone holding a FEB Badge can now request free energy on our website Energy


Welcome back team, happy to see you again.
I have had time to check this. You have really introduced a cool thing, affordable and accessible energy.

I have just one question, we know sometimes we see shortage of energy. During this period users do not get enough energy to buy, it happens once in a while. What plans do you have to make sure there are more energy for users to request at any time?


Since our energy comes from our CFT Treasury we can easily adapt when there is a shortage of energy. Also with the reclaim after 15 minutes and the 48 hour cooldown period we ensure there is always accessible energy.

The only way FEB holders would need to wait a few hours for energy would be if all FEB holders requested energy simultaneously. And since we are gradually releasing more FEB tokens there is a very little chance of this happening.


Good morning sir, good to have you again. Your project are always good, and I have benefit from it. God bless you.
This is a new project and I believe this will be good.
Sir I have lots of questions, because I want to understand more than just reading. It’s is much please understand with me

Sir, what is full meaning of FEB?
And, will the 5000 trx for this badge remind as fix price or can be changed? That is so much money though


Really appreciate your kind words :pray:

Yes, 5,000 TRX is a lot to most users, our target group is not the ones who usually rent or have large amount of TRX staked. We target the ones who try and stake just enough for their transactions. To get 200,000 energy you need around 16,000 TRX staked.

A lot of these users suffered a lack of energy just two weeks ago when Justin staked a lot of energy for SunPump. Then you had to stake almost 32,000 TRX to get 200,000 energy. A lot of these users came to me asking for energy because they never had enough for their transaction. The FEB badge will allow you to always have 200,000 every 48 hours. And it’s enough for most transactions.

Some users have also expressed that they don’t like to see their TRX staked for 5% APR in voting rewards when they can be staked on CFT for 60% APR. if you instead of staking buy the FEB Badge and use the rest of your TRX on CFT you will have made that back in less than a year in staking rewards.


Sir, this is what I got when I imputed 5000 trx which will give around that 63000 energy, how come is it to get 200k energy. I know this offer will attract some people if not now but in the future, by then how will you handle that much people, because everyone trying to claim energy?

Sir, another thing is, will the user still pay for the gas fees when they want to claim energy? Just like the project pays for users gas fees when the want to claim trx at CFT


You welcome sir, you are really doing good work for us all sir.
I know the 5000 trx is not cost at your side. I was asking if the FEB could stand for Free Energy Badge?
Sir for your staking rewards at CFT, it’s big, I have small trx to stake, I haven’t stake before but I’m worried, or I will chat your personally for guidelines. Thank you


Welcome to the HackaTRON :partying_face::clap:
Love the idea of the FEB badge.
Best of luck.


Welcome to season 7 @Stian


The energy in the picture comes from Tron, there you have to stake 15,800 TRX to get 200,000 TRX. The energy from FEB Badge comes from out CFT Treasury.

As regards to your question about more people want to claim energy: There is currently only 10 FEB badges available. The Max number is 100 and it will slowly be introduced to our ecosystem over time, ensuring we have enough energy for all our users.

When requesting energy there is no cost for the user.


Thank you sir for answering, it getting clearer now, for the now only 10 Feb will be available that is representing 10 users, and the max is 100. Will there be increased if in the future more people want to join?


After undergoing your project details knowing that the FEB Badge is part of the long term commitment to building solutions and also strengthen the Tron ecosystem etc,
Please I will like you to add more clarity on the potential impact of FEB Badge on the ecosystem and also how will FEB Badge market influence TRX price durability.


Welcome back to hackaTRON @Stian ! FEB is an interesting feature in CFT ecosystem. Any other benefits for holding FEB other than energy? Good luck to you !


that’s great and well planned


It will have a significant impact on CFT token burning and ensuring more rewards for all CFT holders.

Not sure about your last question, could you please rephrase it?

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At the moment no other benefits are planned, but who knows


Thanks for the clarity and calm response, I was asking in what way will FEB Badge market influence TRX price stability.


Welcome to Hackathon Season 7. Without much ado, I know you need no further introduction as an O.G in the forum, I carefully read through your offering and truthfully, this is a creative solution for addressing the challenge of energy access within the TRON ecosystem, and makes it more accessible for users who may not have the resources to stake large amounts of TRX. As creative and much of a problem solver as this sounds, there may be some downsides, how do you plan to manage potential monopoly behavior if a few users acquire most of the FEB Badges? This could restrict access for others and affect the overall goal of democratizing energy access.


Thank you :pray:

Since it’s an open market anyone can buy, but the FEB token can not be transferred between wallets and holding more than one token will not allow you to have more energy. Each wallet address can only have 200,000 energy every 48 hours even if it holds more tokens.


Oh wow, thanks for the clarification as this restrictions would help curb monopolistic behavior. But this makes me wonder, how do you plan to handle the re-selling process if FEB tokens are non-transferable between wallets? Will there be an official system for relinquishing badge ownership to another user, or will resale be restricted to your platform?