Tron Community Energy Bot 🤖

Project Name: Tron Community Energy Bot
Project Track: Integration
Team Name: Web3Vision
Team Member(s): @OnChainVision @constantinpricope201 @MirelaIoana24
DevPost Project Link: Tron Community Energy Bot | Devpost

Project Goal: :checkered_flag: We have two scopes for community energy bot:

  1. is to allow people staking small amount of TRX in order to benefit the energy one day so the energy will accumulate in an off-chain database and each user will have Energy Points and this Energy Points can be redeem anytime if a threshold is reach!
  2. to create a debt system where users pays only x% of the burn amount for a transaction he will give us the TRX and we will stake the TRX and get Energy Points daily and he will receive the TRX after X days. - this we believe that will attract loyal users that will receive their TRX back in the future. Is a way to have free transaction(if you don’t take bandwidth cost 600 free daily).

Project Value: :gem:

  1. Will provide a way for those that have lower amounts to be able to stake in a Community. And be able to /claimEnergy on their wallets and also have a /whitelistAddress were the OnChainVision ecosystem will automatically use the Energy if the user has enough Energy Points.
  2. Create a DEBT system to allow new users to get Energy on spot while stake locking the TRX and after X days they will get their TRX back

Project Info: :information_source:
Tron_Community_Bot.pdf (5.5 MB)

Develop a Telegram Bot @TronCommunityBot which will offer a way to

  • /claimEnergy (address, amount, timeframe)
    ** If you want to claim a second time you must first /unclaimEnergy as you cannot claim more
  • /unclaimEnergy (address) -for cashback in Energy Points
  • /whitelistAddress (address) - The Telegram users can whitelist an Address that will automatically take the Energy points of the users (telegram username from multiple wallets that /giveEnergy) and will use those energy points to do transaction over @OnChainVision
  • /reserveEnergy (address, amount, timeframe) - Will create an Energy Reservation in 24 hours
  • /fastReserve (address, amount, timeframe) - will create a reservation so that the Energy as soon as possible
  • /debtEnergy (address, amount, timeframe) - will create a debt order where users will pay for the Energy in a lock TRX system. For this a certain interest will be applied like 10% interest meaning that if they rent 20k Energy they need to pay back 22k Energy and after that can undelegateEnergy wait 14 days so that the system can unstake the amount and after that /claimDebt
  • /undelegateDebt (address)
  • /claimDebt
  • /giveEnergy (address, amount)
  • /giveMoreEnergy
  • /giveLessEnergy
  • /takebackEnergy

Q&A section:
Q1: Does your team is involved?
A1: Yes we aim to increase the @OnChainVision user base by providing free transaction through this system and we also will stake Energy with all our users.

Q2: How much energy can be delegated at a specific time?
A2: We can delegate the Energy that the Team staked and not more. We will have to undelegated and delegate again. The maximum is the team staking.

Q3: Why only 1 hour to use the Energy?
A3: We focus on users to be able to do transactions not on Renting them energy. The scope is that users are doing transactions even though they have a relatively small amounts. We also cannot delegate more than the team staked so we must undelegated as fast as possible.

Q4: What if I choose to withdraw the delegation of Energy before the min 20,000 k threashold or I undelegate with some balance on?
A4: You will keep those Energy Points if you use the /takebackEnergy command

Q5: What if I undelegate Energy without using /takebackEnergy command?
A5: We do daily check in order to update balances and you will loose the entire balance if you don’t fallow each steps as mention

Q6: What if I have multiple wallets, can I use all their balances combined?
A6: Yes You can use multiple addresses and they combine the Energy points from multiple address if you made all the commands from a single telegram username

Q7: Can I increase or decrease my delegation from staked amount?
A7: Yes you can do that please use /giveMoreEnergy or /giveLessEnergy

Q8: I have some Debt can I have more debt?
A8: Yes but remember that creating more debt it will mean that the current debt will not be settle at the mention time and it will add with the newly created debt. Ex: So if you have a \

  • 100 TRX locked staking with the initial debt of 100k Energy with payback of 110k Energy and it already pass 30 days and each day you get 1k Energy and you paid 30k Energy Debt and you have left 80k Energy so 80 days left up to /undelegateDebt
  • You want to create a new debt (to get Energy) of 100k again at 100 TRX debt with 110k paid back. You will have 200 TRX in locked staking and each day you will get 2k Energy and a toatal Energy debt of 80k+110k=190k Energy debt
  • In this scenario you can claim the 200 TRX after 190k (Energy Debt) / 2k (Daily Energy Income) = 95 days.

Project Website: :globe_with_meridians:
Telegram: Contact @TronCommunityEnergyBot - Nile TestNet
Telegram: Contact @TronCommunityBot - Mainnet

Project Test Instructions: :test_tube:

  • Scenario A STAKER
    You have staked 100 TRX you get 1000 Energy and you want to stake with us. You will delegate the Energy to an address by creating an order and you will pay only bandwidth.
    Step 1. /giveEnergy - will show how to stake and how to give Energy to our address. You need to call this command otherwise you won’t receive Energy Points. You can /giveEnergy from multiple addresses for each address you must create a new order. If you want to increase the Energy that you stake with us you can call /giveMoreEnergy and delegate again.
    Step 2. Sit back and relax and add Energy Points up to 20,000 Energy Points. Each day each of your wallet will generate Energy Points.
    Step 3. /claimEnergy - if you have 20,000 Energy points you can now claim them and use them in order to do transactions the Energy will be in your wallet for 1 hour.
    :money_mouth_face: You can call /claimEnergy for any address so if you intend to sell your energy or to give your energy to someone else is your right
    Step 4. (Optional) - if you did the transaction you can call /unclaimEnergy and if you call the /unclaimEnergy within 5 minutes after the transaction you receive back 10% in cashback, if you call /unclaimEnergy within 10 minutes you receive back 5% as cashback in Energy points

  • Scenario B DEBTs
    You need Energy fast and you do not want to burn and you also want to keep those TRX. You will create a DEBT system where you will give us the TRX and we will stake those TRX and we will get daily Energy and after we generated more Energy with your TRX than we give you plus an additional Energy you will get your TRX back - this must be asked for and will not happen automatically.
    Step 1. Create an order /debtEnergy - Will create an order if successfully. (We might disable DEBT if we don’t have enough Energy or we don’t want to enable DEBT)
    Step 2. Make the payment transfer the TRX amount to the given address.
    Step 3. The Energy is in your wallet and is available for 1 hour.

Project Details:

  1. We will use one unique address later on add also the MultiSign in the wallet which will get the TRX from each user and stake it for Energy.
  2. The project income will be from the voting rights. The project will retain 40% for development costs and 60% will be staked further for Energy and the users will receive more Energy Points.
  3. We will have a reserveEnergy point where users can say reserve me the energy in 24 hours
  4. If Energy unused we will use a DEBT system where users can claim Energy by transfering TRX in a staked locked on a certain amounts of days. The numbers of days will depend on:
    a. What Energy we have on chain

Smart Contract links:
We use a simple address due to the fact that smart contracts use energy to be trigger.

Project Milestones:

  1. Design phase July-September
  2. Alpha development & testing - Initial development
  3. Beta developement & testing
  4. Release

:warning: :one:We will use a single address to have all the TRX staked (only for debts) and that means that the address is our core address. To reduce this risk we will use one address and offer the permission to delegate and undelegate energy to a second address and we will use the second address for operations(vote, stake, unstake). - MultiSign

:warning::two:Energy in one day gets exhausted. In order to have predictability we will have a reserve system so that the users can reserve energy to use in 24 hours or ASAP (as soon as possible)

:warning::three:Energy Points inflation. We could reach a situation where more users stake TRX a massive amount, and the Energy levels drops and if we got for 10,000TRX 100,000 Energy we could drop to 50,000 Energy but the users will still have in their wallet 100,000 Energy although in reality our wallet has 50,000 Energy. For this we make multiple actions:
a. We offer reduce timeframe for renting 1hour so that we have a bigger pool and we could rent multiple times up to 1.5x
b. Teams also offer an additional amount of TRX
c. We also will have long term voting rights gather and the amount of Energy on Chain will be bigger than the Energy Points
d. We will track also all the Energy Points that users has, all the energy that exists on chain. and create a risk system which will offer discounts or apply penalties on a specific decision base. No one is renting we might decide to apply penalties, too much renting again penalties so that a claim daily will exist and consistent.
e. Debt in Energy - If the Energy is not claim in a day we might offer reduce % so that we will offer Energy for TRX locked staked

:warning::four: Offline database. The Energy points will be kept in an offline database. We want to be a transparent as possible so that we will create endpoints statistics so that the users can get exactly what they own and who own it.
/userStats - will show each telegram users what Energy, what TRX, what DEBT has an the total accumulated

:warning::five:The maximum amount of Energy that can be delegated. So if we go with the approch where users must delegate the energy to our address the maximum amount of energy that can be delegated by us to users at one time can be the maximum amount of TRX that the Team staked plus the total DEBT


The Community Energy Bot is a great project that lets people put in small amounts of TRX and get energy rewards. The project is good because it listens to the community, is transparent, and manages risks well.
But my question is

In what manner will the bot handle more users joining, and how will it keep the database where it stores user information safe and secure.


Welcome to Grand hackathon S7
I like the idea staking but please I would like you to be specific about small amounts in number like from 10, 30 or 50 TRX


Welcome team, let me take my time and ask my questions.

Aside getting energy for your trx, do you also earn some trx for staking ?


Our projects can easily handle millions of customer and we have ready available databases so users can track in real time their account. Each user account is based on the telegram username and their TRON addresses.

As per where it store in a secure database but as a mention we don’t process any confidential informations we read the addresses from public blockchain and the usernames from telegram API.

Thanks a lot for your question!
We updated the post check above for full details!


You can stake as low as 1 TRX but remember as per now you earn with 1 TRX only 7 Energy as per current rate in Tron MaineNet and if you want to do a /claimEnergy it will take the minimum claim is 20,000 and will need 20,000 / 7 = 2857 days ~ 7.8 years.

If you stake 100 TRX you will get 798 Energy at minimum claim of 20,000 Energy points you could claim each ~25 days. So for 100 TRX you could do a TRC20 token transfer a month.

The minimum claim does not apply to OnChainVision automatic claim and you still receive cashback with it(about 15% in Energy Points)!



We changed a bit so now you only need to delegate Energy to our address and you will keep your voting and also you could earn from voting some APR.

You just need to delegate Energy and that is it!

You will pay for staking bandwidth 256 and for delegation 286 bandwidth so if you have the daily 600 it is free!


ok this make it more decentralized


If I understand you clearly staking of 100trx will give me 20,000 energy for 25days right?


Welcome to the Hackathon of season 7, I think I very well know you from last season, I did not know before that you can stake TRX to get energy so this is a very good thing for me, how are you going to take care of inflation of the energy point in the long run, thank you


Yeap exactly and way more secure as your funds will stay in your wallet and you will be at full control in each step.

No, if you stake 100 TRX you will get each 25 days so only once in 15 days for 1 hour 20,000 Energy to use for a transaction.

Thanks a lot is good to be known :heart_eyes:

Well we look into this closely and in order to determine the balance Energy points of a wallet we will simply get the amount that you will get today / in a day multiplied by the last x days that you stake. This is the most fair way that we could find that will cancel this risk almost entirely.

There are two scenarios let’s take 30 days and 100 TRX just as an example:

  1. in Day 0 you get for 100 TRX about 800 Energy and in Day 30 when can claim you get 1000 Energy. How much can you claim ? Answer: 30 * 1000 Energy = 30,000 Energy
  2. in Day 0 you get for 100 TRX about 800 Energy and in Day 30 when can claim you get 700 Energy. How much can you claim ? Answer: 30 * 700 Energy = 21,000 Energy

Overall that is the best way to do it. Why ? Because this parameters depends on the network not on us on the bot and the present time when you can claim the Energy is the time that determines how much energy you can get.


I think I get you but what will happen if I don’t make use of it for that period of 15 day will it exhaust or accumulate?


sure sure, more secured


The way you explain I like it, it comes with plenty facts and it is very good because we can understand, I am wondering why is the energy point going to be stored in offline database, what if a case of data breach happen


It will never exhaust it will accumulate each day so you can claim only when you want. In fact the only cost of delegating Energy is bandwidth approximately 300 bandwidth we will cover some bandwidth from our staking but that is required for delegating/undelegating energy. So it total approximately 600 Bandwidth for both (delegating + undelegating) that is why we think we must put minimum 20k so that people can use their energy when they need we might think of an way to delegate less energy than 20k but then we will consider a tax. But as you know daily there are 600 free bandwidth so we think that we can cover that.

More secure than that cannot be possible :slight_smile:

We are using secure database connection but regardless in case of an breach we could read again the blockchain data we delegated energy and when so users that are staking with as are protected by TRON blockchain. We also want to create reports/backups so we could restore at any point.


Thank you for your reply but it take so long in 5 days, so tell me how fast are you going to get your system to start working all over again in the case of a data breach, thank you


There are a lot of layers of security in place in our systems first we have the deployment over Google Cloud which assures us the first level of security. We deploy using up to date stack like docker and containers so the possibility of any breach is almost zero!

I am not sure where you got the 5 days from? Restoring a system depends on what the hack was about but don’t forget that in this system you are the holders of the staking TRX as you have the TRX staked in your wallet we just provide a way to help you accumulate the Energy that you don’t use in Energy Points . So the worst for a user that can happen is they loose their Energy Points and that is all but we will do everything that something like that never happens.

This is a zero loss investment!


Thank you for the detailed explanation, really love what you are building at least small TRX holders, … keep building :muscle:


No I mean that it is taking five days to get a reply from you, and I am thinking that what you are doing it minimize the risk to the users in the casw of a hack, please tell me how are users going to get back any lost energy points in the case of a hack, thank you


I already responded to the question which is the same as above please read the comments and if you have any other questions I am happy to respond to. Also check our Telegram channels and join them for even faster responses!
