Fictron: stories, reimagined

Hola, me parece un buen proyecta, da un espacio a que escritores o gente que desee iniciarse en este mundo tenga un espacio, mi pregunta es, el escritor tendrá que paga algún coste por exponer el libro en la red. Gracias

Writers can publish their books for free. This might change in the future, to the cover future costs related to hosting Fictron, but I don’t want to make money at the expense of the writers or readers so for now it is free.


It’s good for readers who would like to ebook.:clap:


interesting actually…i;m amazed

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Thanks everybody for your kind comments!

But would we be payed by publishing a book on the site

Yea it is an awesome project for book lovers


Thanks everyone for your comments and votes. Unfortunately, Fictron didn’t win any prizes in the hackathon, but I will continue developing.

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Wishing you well, i hope to see you in s4 even bigger and better. But in the meantime, i would recommend you start building a community if you want to win something in the forum next time around.

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Hola, el proyecto es bueno, además las condiciones para los escritores son muy correctas, para el usuario, tiene el punto a favor de en caso de no interesar la novela puede dejar de leer y no tiene que abonar el resto de las paginas. La animo a participar en próximo hackhaton 4, también esperamos verla en el foro.

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I am hoping they get the courage to continue this wonderful project and come back again in s4.

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