Fractron - democratizing access to expensive nfts

cool sh*t, erc721 and erc1155 or erc721 only??


sorry saw now that only erc721 :+1:

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Thank you for the clarification! I was gonna ask similar questions

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I love the concept! Now more people can get started in the space even with low capital!


i like, looks very cool :wink:


Interest, take information about it

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hmm I am excited about this :+1:


Nice project you got there but I have a question.

So what if after splitting up my NFT and selling them in bits, I later want them back and some of the people who purchased it don’t want to sell, how do I get my whole NFT back?


Greetings ilovefractions! Your project seems to be missing details on the following. Please add them to your project. Thank you!

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haven’t seen this on any other chain, does some like this it exist on bnb chain or ethirium? (that is where my nft are)

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@ilovefractions There has been a few members asking for fractional NFT on the main Tron NFT platforms so hopefully this can fill the gap.

Will this work similar to Master works art fractional ownership? with major art pieces being purchase so value is passed onto fraction owners that they can sell onto others if needed?


Probably something similar on ethereum but don’t think so on BSC.

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Correct, we will need to implement some kind of system where you can send bids to the people that hold fractions, and also maybe a lending system on top of it so no one can hold a fraction forever

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Yeah we want it to be permissionless so everyone can fractionalize their NFT but yeah would be cool to get some major art pieces fractionalized

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Hello bot, contract addresses are now added.

Fractionalization of NFTs is a good concept that makes people have the opportunity to own a part of something that they never thought they could.

But most NFTs these days have no use case and does not have any utility.
How can u ensure that the NFTs that you bring onboard on your platform will give users value for their money.

Nft project like Africastars from the camp of @TuruGlobal gives passive income for holding, so holding a fraction of something like that will also atleast make the owner enjoy part of the dividend.

Recommendation and suggestion
I think if a project cant offer something better for holding then they should not be allowed on your platform.


@ilovefractions Will get a vote from me if this is placed on the road map :+1:


haha, this is sooooo cool


The fund part is so awesome


What an amazing project