AVATRX - A dNFT Tool for creators on Tron

Project Name: AVATRX

Project Track: NFT

Team Name: MetaPS

Team Member(s): 2

DevPost URL: AVATRX | Devpost

Project Goal: No code platform to create and deploy your dynamic NFTs on TRON chain.

Project Info: For the first time in the history of the Internet, creators can sell digital art to their fans if they can prove ownership.

Static NFTs are now used in most generative NFT art projects, play-to-earn games, and digital collectibles. But these are limited by the fact that they can’t be changed once they are put on a blockchain, their metadata can’t be changed.

Dynamic NFTs can be used in such cases, which let NFTs keep their unique IDs while also getting updated information. Change in a dNFT usually means that a smart contract has changed the metadata. This is possible because the NFT smart contract has automatic updates that tell the underlying NFT when and how its information should change.

But, currently the dNFT market is not as popular as traditional NFTs. The reason being lack of resources for beginners and artists to get started with, which are easy to understand and follow for someone who has no prior experience with coding. Hence we have decided to come up with a no-code platform for users to create dNFTs on Tron and sell them on marketplaces like Apenft.

Project Website: Coming soon
Project Test Instructions: Coming soon
Project Details: Coming soon
Project Milestones:

  • Smart Contract : :white_check_mark:
  • Frontend of the Website : :hourglass_flowing_sand:
  • Integration of UI and Smart Contract : :hourglass_flowing_sand:
  • Website Launch : :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Nice one and good move


We started out late but we will try our best to deliver the MVP of the project by the deadline.


We keep hoping for the best. Lfg :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


Thanks for your encouragement! :smiley:

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Our hopes are high on this AVATRX


Looks really good, let’s go :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:

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Avax projects are always top notch


Nice… We are waiting


Nice project, let’s hope for progress

Prospective project indeed :100:

I think this is too brief I’d love to know more about the project :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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Hola, me gustaría tener más información sobre el proyecto, gracias

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Project is so short, give us an explanation

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Updated the explanation, more will be added as the project progresses.

Cool project we can’t wait for the lunch

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Greetings! Your project seems to be missing details on the following. Please add them to your project. Thank you!

Please Include:
Project Website
Project Test Instructions
Project Details
Contract Address

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I have sent 29 usdt to someone but my tron was debited for two several occasions…please i want to know the exact problem

My number is +233246897084