Granted a regular badge πŸ“›

Happy Sunday Fam :sun_with_face:
Something happened today which I know might last only short period of a time :joy:
Let me flex it while it lasts
Kudos to my fellow regular men in the building
@fabsltsa @Prince-Onscolo @Gordian @Youngyuppie @ferrari I think @manfred_jr is next in line :eyes:


Hahahaha congratulations bro


Congrats! But don’t get too comfortable, @Prince-Onscolo knows why :joy::joy::joy:


:joy::joy::joy::joy: he knows too hahahahaha


Hehehe am 102%+ aware indeed it’s a pump and dump :joy:

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Loool you order a drink and get to leave before it comes at your table


Maybe because I don’t take alcohol :joy:

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Haha I like how you said it, I know the feeling, makes you feel absolutely like a smooth operator, congratulations bro :muscle:t2:

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Thank you sir :facepunch: see you soon

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Congratulations bro
Seriously, I thought I’ve lost mine again until I saw my name tagged as one of the regular ranking users :joy:

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Thank you bro, I guess if you can see or chat with the lounge channel/category then you still retain it if am not mistaken but @fabsltsa knows better

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congrats bro. all the best bro
now another grind to keep maintain the badge.

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Thank you my boss, lols don’t think I can maintain it but life continues either