Yeah, Good Luck! All the best
Welcome to the forum, spend your great time around
Same question here, how to get level 1
You can go to every post and ask question. It takes me half an hour to reach the goal
I still haven’t be able to get to level 1
Go and look at some project post, ask some question, give some advice, reply some comments, you are ready to go~
Every project deserves win and some of them are also the experience one lol. Remember to cast your vote on potential project~
As a frontend developer in NFTBL project, I wanted to say that we have done a great job, a super interesting concept looks really promising and absolutely working! Try it by link on the project page NFTBL and vote for us =)
Hay una buena lista de proyectos, lo que confiere a la red más usuarios
Lo mismo pienso!!!
Good luck! May the best ones win!
No me parece pero eso es más que todo para publicidad
I’m still waiting to have my level upgraded in order to vote! I totally get anti bot measures etc but imo this is too long winded and puts alot of potential voters off, hopefully I get upgraded before it is over
Thanks tanzhixuan I appreciate
Wow these is awesome, to publish articles
Just browse through a few more projects, read a lot of posts and you’ll be able to vote soon. Your getting close so keep it up! Good luck!
Morning when I checked we were at about 450 comments …. Evening … it’s 500
Good luck everyone
Every where is on I love how engaging these is