How to Launch the Next Top Memetoken on TRON—Join the Test Pump!

Getting Started with SunPump - Making Your First Memetoken Move

Alright, you’re pumped up and ready to dive into the world of memetokens on TRON, but where do you start? Enter SunPump—the platform that makes launching your memetoken as smooth as a funky beat. SunPump automates the liquidity process, meaning you get to focus more on creativity and less on the technical grind. Let’s walk through the basics.

Why SunPump? SunPump is the first dedicated platform for launching and trading memecoins on TRON. It’s designed to be user-friendly, fair, and fun. Whether you’re a crypto newbie or a seasoned veteran, SunPump makes it easy to create and trade memecoins without the usual headaches.

You’re encouraged to try out the basic SunPump features first before deploying your own token to get a better understanding of how the platform works.

Step 1: Find Interesting Memecoins Start by exploring the platform to discover the hottest new memecoins. No Financial Advice here, DYOR. You should also make sure you have enough TRX, which is TRON’s native token.

Step 2: Buy on the Bonding Curve When you find a memecoin that you like, you may buy in using SunPump’s Bonding Curve mechanism. It’s a simple process that adjusts token prices based on demand, ensuring a fair and transparent market.

Step 3: Enjoy Flexible Selling Options Want to cash out or adjust your holdings? SunPump lets you sell your tokens anytime, giving you complete control over your crypto journey.

Step 4: Ride the Bonding Curve As more people buy into a memecoin, the value climbs up the Bonding Curve. With enough momentum, it will hit the top of the bonding curve, where the value is stated on the page (around $69K, depending on TRX price), then all the liquidity from the bonding curve will be deposited into Sunswap and burned.

Step 5: Launch Your Own Memecoin Ready to make your token? Launching a memecoin on SunPump is a breeze. Just fill out the token details, confirm your transaction, and you’re live within a minute. SunPump’s automated system even handles the liquidity creation and burn process for you. Since the liquidity on bonding curve is deposited and burnt after depositing into Sunswap, the initial allocation won’t be rugged anymore, but there is still a chance of dump you need to watch out). More of this in the next post.

Of course, we’re not taking the easy route. We’ll document our approach and guide you in creating something special that grabs attention. Standing out among the sea of memetokens requires something unique. We’re in this for the long haul, aiming to become the next top memetoken after all.

Stay tuned for an in-depth dive in our next post!