Keysafe protocol, the most secure and user-friendly Account Abstraction paradigm

Keysafe is a self-custody solution based on MPC and threshold signature technology. That means only you are able to control your keys. Even Keysafe nodes hacked their TEE, they are not able to recover your original keys. So, yes, it is safe

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Thanks for the detailed clarification

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amazing proeject in web3 projects category. I loved it

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Nice project but the demo video was not on tron do you have a demo using tron ?

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The on-chan part of the Demo is deployed on Tron, the contract address is: TU4UzxPiRy8uM1prkRBjQzBRaEceAux3b4 .

And the first two account type we support in the DApp is ETH and Tron

Awesome cool and interesting :100::100:

You can try the demo website. The Tron token is supported here

What are other benefits that comes with using this project?

Keysafe user will keep the “anonymity”.
All current seedless solutions require users to binding web2 accounts. These accounts are visible to the service provider.
Keysafe uses the original DAuth technology to provide users with Web2 accessibility while preserving full anonymity of user’s sensitive information.
No one will be able to see user’s Web2 account and the binding relationship, not even Keysafe servers.

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