Looking for a good quality NFTs collection with utility on Tron chain

Tron is a great Blockchain but after my little research I found a few #NFTs with utility and potentials, but after all I may not be correct :person_shrugging:
The few are as follows;

BabyTuru NFTs by @TuruGlobal
AfricaStarsNft also by @TuruGlobal
Tronbies NFTs by @LineHammett
DebasWulfpack by @Deba215

Few mentioned above :point_up_2: is only good collections I found with potentials at this present moment , offcourse am a human being not a bot :joy:, I may not know it all , Please I also stand to be corrected though
I use this opportunity to call on all Tron communities and Tron lovers to also recommend a good NFT collections for Tron communities and NFTs lovers

NB; No recommendations on this thread :thread: should be considered as a financial advice remember to always DYOR :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: , as for me I love to do my own research and do anything at my own risk .
Thank you all as you share your own recommendation/contributions :pray:


Alright I have read through and I confirm with what u said thatโ€™s the spirit of excellence

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I think that topic was already covered in an other section but here come some others:

  • Tronninjas (can be staked to get rewards in TNT and TRX)
  • Lion Music Dao Genesis (will give voting rights and rewards for holders)
  • Arbidex (trading gains)
  • Cubie (can be staked and get rewards in trx)

Amazing, thanks for this piece of information :heart::pray:

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Alright. Thanks for the heads up

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Amazing to have you,โ€ฆWelcome bro we are stronger together :handshake::muscle::pray:

Thanks dear.

So how can i really participate in the NFT


Welcome bro, first of all you need to install a Tronlink wallet Google play store to enable you access Tron dapps you can these NFTs on apenNft and kraftly.io

If you need guidelines or know more about @TuruGlobal Projects you can join their official Telegram account for helps and updates :point_down:

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Here is the official Telegram account for tronbies @LineHammett :point_down:


Here is the official Telegram account for DebasWulfpack @Deba215 :point_down: