Send tokens from tronscan

How can I send my tokens from tronscan to binance pay?

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You cannot send your token through tronscan. You need a wallet to perform any transaction. Here is a list of

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When I import tronscan to tronlink, my tokens do not import to tronlink. How can I import my tokens from tronscan to tronlink?

you cannot hold tokens on tronscan, only in wallets

When I initially purchased tron, they were stored in the tron wallet. They were later moved to the vision wallet where they were visible for a while, but now they are not visible in the vision wallet. They are now visible in the tronscan wallet. I want to get them out of the tronscan wallet. How do I do that?

When I purchased Tron initially, they were stored in a Tron Wallet. Later, they were moved to a Vision Wallet where they were visible, but now I cannot find them in the Vision Wallet. They are now in a Tronscan Wallet. How do I import them from the Tronscan Wallet to the Tronlink Wallet?

You then need to contact the vision wallet support. Also do check whether you have the recent version of vision wallet installed.

hmm I’m not sure tbh. Check with vision wallet support probably

Unfortunately, the Vision app does not have support. Tronlink has one and Tronscan has three contact addresses. I sent a help request three times each to all four addresses, but I did not receive a single response!