SunPump - Fueling the Meme Coin Madness on TRON!

Your approach to creating a community-driven discussion around meme coins is spot on and encouraging.

10m volume for 3 consecutive days, wow


Poloniex is $1M so I guess memes have goals to push towards.

Yoo this an interesting platform,I know you said you don’t make people rich but this looks very profitable with the right timing


Yessirski :rocket::rocket:, good job putting this together

What we have been waiting for still not here, so I am patiently waiting for 20th August…. Until then I remain quiet

Given the excitement around SunPump and the potential influx of new meme coins,
In what way do you plan to maintain a balanced perspective on meme coin investments.

Sun pump sure is a nice innovation but how about including other meme tokens on their platform which where here before the launch

SunPump is a new and exciting tool that makes it easy for people to create meme coins.
I think it could completely change the world of meme coins and i really like it.

Did you already use it? I launched the meme coin there yesterday, paid for it but it was never launched. Same issue for hundreds of users and no support at all!

The support is actively monitoring the telegram chat and has helped out tons of users. The issue was caused by popular demand on SunPump and right now everything should be fixed and works automatically as expected. If you are still having issues, please post your contract URL.

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A meme only Dex on Tron is a good thing to be joyous about

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Wow, this is huge news for SunPump and the crypto community

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I am truly excited about your SunPump meme coin project on TRON.
It’s great that you want to help other people make their own meme coins too.
I think you are going to do a great job building a community around this.
I can’t wait to see what cool things come from working together.
Keep updating us so we can support you all the way.

Most likely due to low energy. Right now Sunpump is paying for all the txn fees with users only a little bit.

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Enjoying the ride with #SunRat

The Sundogs and suncats are far gone :joy:, it’s time for the Sunrat to play :heart_eyes:

Check it out :point_down:

Join the fun on #SunPump



Sunpump has been huge success for the whole Tron/BitTorrent. Think we all have made some good gains this week and will continue. But, I truly hope Tron Sun start supporting existing hard working projects who have been building for years now on Tron apart from hackaTRONs. NOW is the perfect time for Tron team to shill og Tron/BitTorrent projects. From what I have observed Tron team has been working proactively since last couple of years. Who knows Tron team and og Tron/BitTorrent projects have already cooking something? High time these incentives for ogs are revealed now.


So amazing that the Tron meme is here again, let’s go pump some coins

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LFG go to the sun :sun_with_face: :rocket:
Moon or dust :fire::joy:

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oh yeah it has started well, soon 1m mcap

Let’s go

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