Tbank - the ultimate aggregator of Defi
We aggregate Dashboard/Exchange/Send/Pool/Save into one place
Project Name: Tbank
Project Track: Defi & Web3
Demo link: Tbank is the aggregator of TRON ecosystem. You can track, trade and find projects to play. - YouTube
Project website: https://www.tbank.one/
(you can actually use it with Tronlink wallet now )
Team Name: Tbank
Team Members(s): 5
Project Goal:
Tbank’s mission is to make Web3 and Defi easy for everyone in the world. We try to demystify the current UI/UX of Web3 and Defi, making protocols easy to navigate for mass adoption.
Project Info and details:
We are a decentralized and global team that works on a goal to empower everyone around the world with reliable, transparent web3 and Defi services.
Why Defi ?
DeFi is short for decentralized finance, which is a crypto term for services like investing, borrowing, lending, and trading based on decentralized, non-custodial infrastructure commonly built on the blockchain. Our team really likes the innovation and the idea of decentralization. Comparing CeFi (traditional finance) , there is three major innovations:
- DeFi is trustless which means you control your asset via a private key. There is no way third party or authority to jump in and grab your money without your permission
- DeFi is global. The recent war issue between Russia and Ukraine unreal the inefficient banking system of Swift system. Because dApps do not have any form of KYC (Know Your Customer) processes, they are immediately accessible to anyone with an internet connection, a smartphone, and a wallet. This is why Tbank does not ask for user emails and does not have user accounts.
- Defi is programmable which means it follows the rules made by smart contracts and not people.
Why Web3 ?
As A16Z writes in their article:
Centralized platforms like Facebook and Twitter follow a predictable life cycle. At first, they do everything they can to recruit users and third-party complements like creators, developers, and businesses. They do this to strengthen their network effect. As platforms move up the adoption of S-curve, their power over users and third parties steadily grow. When they hit the top of the S-curve, their relationships with network participants change from positive-sum to zero-sum. To continue growing requires extracting data from users and competing with (former) partners.
User never own their data in Web2
But in web3, ownership, and control is decentralized. Users and builders can own pieces of internet services by owning tokens, both non-fungible and fungible. There are many ways for users to acquire fungible and non-fungible tokens. You can buy them, but there are also ways to earn them. Web3 offers a new way that combines the best aspects of the previous eras. It’s very early in this movement and a great time to get involved.
Roadmap for the Hackathon:
Feb 13
- Product concept re-discussion
- UI/UX re-design & improvement
Feb 15
Dashboard-Portfolio on mainnet
Dashboard-History on mainnet
Feb 22nd
Exchange on mainnet ( pools from JustSwap)
Send on mainnet
Feb 27th
- Pool on mainnet
March 5th
- Save on mainnet
March 6th
- Dark-Light mode switch
March 7th
BTTC chain supported
Future plan:
- UI/UX improvement
- Detail of the history of account activity
- Cross-chain supported