All good.
I’m not totally against trading bot
Hahaha its a choice my brother. U can be against, but its not entirely bad as we might see it to be. I prefer to trade with a bot than to trade myself.
I dont really have the time to read charts and check coins all day.
I better not start fud with the trading bot
Hahaha feel free crypto is a decentralized world.
This one fud can go wrong
I better hold my bot fud in my CEX
He estudiado los parametros y nunca que invierto lo hago a ciegas, no me tiemble precisamente el pulso cuando cae en picado, pero me genera desconfianza el bot por que lo he estudiado y he visto muchas fallas.
Oh ok, but which platform do u use their bot?? I am more familiar with the bots on Kucoin. The spot trading bot works perfectly for me.
Binance a futuros, no me acaba de convencer, prefiero manejarlo yo.
I don’t do futures, whether by bot or manual, and the bot on binance is too complex to compared to what kucoin has to offer.
The sleek nature and easy to set up nature of kucoin bot make everything easy and quite profitable
No he probado nunca Kucoin, entonces no te puedo decir.
Oh ok, still time to test them out. Whenever you get the chance, let me have your feedback
Si algún día lo pruebo, te haré saber mi experiencia.
Thank you my director. Will really appreciate that.
Since you mentioned it already, what 5 foods gives project inspiration? Cos I been laughing myself into a coma
I was wondering the food for thought this time around
I ate fufu with light soup and fish plus beef and gabanum fruit for soup essence.
The most important one I pick is FUFU.
solid foundation for your trading bot
@Nana66419 I enjoyed reading this idea! I do not have Developer experience so I am unaware of the work required to design a CEX attached to a trading bot. However, I could see the utility to a bot that could trade x funds for a user for x days.
You can try posting this in the HackaTRON forum section and see if any Developers would be interested in giving this an attempt They would have a better idea of the logistics and if this would be possibly / profitable.
I hope this helps!
Thank you, i will try and put it forward and see what comes out of it.
Hello, Michael here from InterCrone as well from Metronix.
its not a arbitrage bot also very effektiv. i think you can make much more profit with them than was a cex aribtrage.