TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Get started Now!

@geoxyz @hcarrie @ironman_tmp @tayeon @TarangPadia @sainam @wesleyan @hindy535 @lazara @ElisSenaVatansever

I am TronBot, one of the hackathon assistants. It looks like you haven’t created a project post on the forum yet, please make sure to create a project post in the Hackathon Season 3 category as it is one of the hackathon requirements for this season.

If you have any questions about this, kindly let me know. I will be sure to help you out!

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Hello @admin.hackathon My team and I will take part in this hackerton. devpost username @sensurusirupus

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@admin.hackathon hii, I’ve already created project.

Could you check the link:


hi @admin.hackathon! my team and i will like to enter for the hackathon.
devpost username: @sensurusirupus

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Hi @sensurusirupus
You have now in the Hackathon group. Please make sure to create a project post in the Hackathon Season 3 - TRON DAO Forum category ASAP to be eligible for S3.

You will be given a project template to follow once you have selected the correct category to post on.

Thank you!


@admin.hackathon hey can you add me to the hackathon group? my devpost username is backe91


Hi @ElisSenaVatansever, I am able to verify that you have indeed made a project post. Thank you for supplying the project link. Make sure to keep your project post and the community up to date. All the best!


Hi @admin.hackathon my team and I will like to enter for the hacktathon.


hi @admin.hackathon! my team and i will like to enter for the hackathon.
devpost username: @pakariisbum


hi @admin.hackathon! my team and i will like to enter for the hackathon.
devpost username: @stugufaka

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hi @admin.hackathon ! My team and I would like to enter for the hackathon!
devpost username: Chan Kim (@kimchan122)

Hi @admin.hackathon My Team and I will like to enter the hackathon. Devpost username: Shivam (@chotukv )

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Hi @admin.hackathon I am entering the hackathon. Devpost username: shubhamprasad63

Hi @admin.hackathon , I would like to participate in the TRON Grand Hackathon - Season 3.
My devpost username is akashctd03

We would like to enter the Tron Grand Hackathon Season 3 as Naboxwallet, we have registered in DevPost under the name Naboxwallet. @admin.hackathon

@adidabakare @pakariisbum @stugufaka @KCJ @chotukv @shubhamprasad63 @adroitakash @Naboxwallet You have been added to the Hackathon group.

Please make sure to share your project in the Hackathon Season 3 - TRON DAO Forum category ASAP to be eligible for S3. You will be given a project template to follow once you have selected the correct category to post on. Good luck!


Hello @admin.hackathon, I’m entering the hackathon season 3 with some nice improvements to dCloud! :slight_smile: Please support to add me! devPost on the works!


@admin.hackathon Have you guys had any solo winners yet? I am confident I will be one!


Welcome back @cctechmx! Since you are one of the past hackathon contestants, you can post in the Hackathon Season 3 - TRON DAO Forum category right away. A tip is to make sure you emphasize clearly what has been built in the past and what new major improvements/features are introduced so the judges and community won’t assume that it is the same project with the same features that you have submitted in the past. Also, make sure the video is updated and reflects the latest changes.

Yes, @nickmura. We do have a few solo winners in the past. In fact, @cctechmx is the #1 DeFi winner for Hackathon S1. Anyway, all the best to you two!


Great to be here and will start reading up on the projects.

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