Wallet Integration

Need latest docs for wallet integration


@SimbadMarino can be of help here

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are you talking about wallet connect?

This is for Tronlink but there are multiple wallets like trust wallet etc.


you can use this npm package to seemlessly integrate tron wallet in your react application : @tronweb3/tronwallet-adapter-walletconnect - npm

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Thanks for sharing the resources

where to get this api


should i @tronweb3/tronwallet-adapter-walletconnect - npm (npmjs.com)

put this demo file in navbar as navbar will have connect button , in code section there is adopter.ts I have made that file in src folder and put

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@tronweb3/tronwallet-adapter-react-hooks - npm (npmjs.com)

i tried this react hook component but it is showing simple text only? @arman

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if you have integrated it correctly, make sure to first install tronlink extension. on click of the “connect” button it should automatically connect wallet to your website.

read their docs from here : GitHub - tronprotocol/tronwallet-adapter

Can I use metamask and deploy contract on bttc torrent will it work ? or it is neccessary to use tron wallet adopter @arman ?

need testate tokens for iron bttc testate

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