A Proposal for Shark Tank Pitching Sessions for Hackathon 7 Winner

First of all, I would like to thank the Tron team for their hard work in hosting Hackathon 7 and giving many startups prize money and investment opportunities.

Why don’t you create a time where you can pitch ideas like a shark tank and get Q&A through Zoom video chat as well as AMA time through x?

It’s too much to do 25 teams in a day. So why don’t you make a pitching day only for 5 teams or teams that have opened on the main net a day.

Through this pitching, I think we will be able to achieve the success of Tron-based dapp startups and the development of Tron.

Once again, I would like to thank Tron Team for making CalorieCoin won two awards in 2022 and 2024.


First of all Shark Tank is heavily scripted TV show. It requires a lot of effort, money and editing to reach the final product that you see on TV.

What i’m trying to say is that it is not as easy as it seems. This means extra resources need to be allocated from some budget for this to even begin happening.

But the idea itself is not bad, to have more discussions in freestyle.

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You are right.
Dont have to spend money for just useless showing.
I think IR suggest page will do enough!

At least 6month investment researching needed.
Investment never be tv show

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