About the Hackathon Season 7 category

Hello Buddy, best not to spam.
Just a post and tag people is ok.

Hope you grab?


While what he said or you said maybe true or false. It is best for all the teams to complete their submissions.

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I already told them I’ll go track by track. Today, I’ll check all web3 projects for example. You can go and review all my comments. I didn’t put any disrespect to anyone. I always showed the sources I found. And I’ll keep going with respect


You are saying I am hateful and rude again and again. But you do not show any comment or feedback I was rude. You are just spamming for no reason. I am behind of each of my word. Will keep going with respect!

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I understand it may have come across as spam because I didn’t tag each of your comments directly, I’m not really sure how to tag each comment. But the way you’ve been speaking still feels rude and disrespectful. Let me give you an example:

If you visit a shop and don’t like their product, saying ‘it’s not good, please replace it’ would be constructive feedback. However, if you go around telling everyone ‘this shop is useless, don’t bother with it,’ that would be hate and rudeness. That’s what it feels like here, and I hope you can see the difference.

You can feel as you wish and it is okay. Profesionalism is not about feelings but about rules.
You are talking about respect but at night while we stopped discussion you went there and tagged every admin and blamed me for false allegations.

I already told them you are missing all paramount problems and you chose ignoring them and attacking me personally. Keep going.

Let’s stop with the quarreling now. You’re not a TRON admin or the owner—you’re also just a participant like me, so you should be giving constructive feedback, not making statements like “don’t consider this project.” That’s really not your place.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback.

Go there and read this:

That’s really a great job you’re doing for the community! I’ve updated everything you mentioned in my project. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate your efforts. However, rather than saying things like “the project shouldn’t count as eligible,” it would be more constructive to let project owners know what they should change. Then, a comment like that would feel more appropriate.

If project is missing required eligibility informations, I am free to say that “The project shouldn’t count as eligible.” There is nothing wrong about it, I am being respectful and not aiming anyone specifically. Although these are your opinions and those are mine.

I understand where you’re coming from, but that’s not typically how feedback is most effective. Instead of outright saying “the project shouldn’t count as eligible,” it would be more helpful to give specific suggestions on what’s missing or what can be improved. That way, it encourages a constructive conversation.

That being said, after reading your public announcement, I really appreciate the work you’ve been doing. It’s clear you’re making a valuable contribution to both project owners and TRON admins by detecting ineligible projects and ensuring everything is running smoothly. Your efforts are really helpful for keeping the community strong. Thanks again for your hard work! :grin:

@leohymon It would be great if you recheck my project! I appreciate your valuable feedback

This really sound nice

Dear community, we kindly ask you not to pass by and help us!

I’ve shared all the details in this post:

Thank you,
Chums Team


Hey @SimbadMarino @admin.hackathon, I’ve sent you a DM regarding some concerns. Could you please take a moment to check it once. Thanks !!