About the Hackathon Season 7 category

Is it necessary to use smart contracts, can’t I just use the RPC API, or the other libraries to interact with the chain?

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@WindsOfChange92, any update on this?

Hello @parthasaini , answering your question yes. You can use tronweb or pytron or any other API client library to interact with the TRON network and that will still qualify. hopw that answers your question :slight_smile:


I think it needs to be fixed because sometimes its very difficult to find this particular post

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Yup, that did helped. Thanks for the comment


Hi @WindsOfChange92 @admin.hackathon.
Devpost username: “zephyrv”.
Can you grant me access for create topic for season 7.

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Please register for this group. Hackathon - TRON DAO Forum


Please grant me access of create topic on my account. My devpost username is @allanmukhwana

hey everyone, can anyone help me on getting testnet tokens on bttc faucet, its my first time and I’m getting “Error-Too many requests” or anyone can airdrop or send bttc testnet tokens to my address: 0xb42f6f8e531cAEB940E2d3B35090367a09CD1BEF

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I sent you 10 million BTT on Donau testnet.

Please @Hackathon members just a friendly reminder to submit your projects to devpost, before the deadline.

I am seeing a lot more forum posts than dev post submissions and they should be similar in numbers.

You need both a devpost submission and a TRON DAO forum topic post to qualify.

Don’t wait until the last minute, please.

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Thank you so much! :grin:

@WindsOfChange92 @admin.hackathon I have a doubt about the hackathon deadline. On Devpost, it shows October 8th, but on Tron DAO’s Hackathon website, it shows 14 days left.

Is it that we need to submit our project before October 9th, but we have time until October 22nd to update and edit the post, update the demo video, improve and redeploy contract, update the contract address, and improve the UI?
And the only thing we can’t change is the project idea or core concept?

Can u plz give some clarity on this?

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Hope this can be of help.

Project submission endings on on this Wednesday.

Also the BTT faucet works now.

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Always go by devpost they are the official host and submission acceptance. Judges are on the devpost platform and everything is handled by devpost.

Everything needs to be ready for a testing phase by that submission deadline so on TRON or BTTC Testnet.

You can make small updates but you shouldn’t be submitting an unfinished product and I would recommend you wait until season 8.


Hi can someone approve my post of my project for the hackathon?

Hi admins of TRON @admin.hackathon @SimbadMarino @WindsOfChange92 @adeel, I wanted to bring to your attention that someone has been making hateful comments on my project post, and I feel quite offended by it. Please review the following link:

I’ve tried to explain my side, but the responses have been extremely rude. I would prefer constructive feedback rather than hateful remarks. If the person had pointed out specific issues, like “your project doesn’t meet MVP requirements” or “please fix the website,” I could have taken corrective action. But this behavior is uncalled for, and I hope you will take appropriate action.

Thank you for your support!


I reviewed this individual’s activity upto this point of time, and it seems he is consistently targeting artistry track projects only :joy:. It’s clear he have a connection to one of the artistry-themed projects. While one of his comments (regarding the Chaincraft submission) is true, most of his remarks are unnecessarily rude and appear aimed at creating a negative perception of the projects in the artistry track.

@admin.hackathon @SimbadMarino

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