Are you on threads?

I would say currently the platform is far behind Twitter and Elon is making sure to stay ahead :grinning:
But the advantage is that the platform is new and can evolve. Being early means getting more followers even without posting content. So if Threads is meant to becoming a serious contestant to Twitter or at least an important social media, it’s interesting to at least subscribe and drop some small content.

As an example I have about 880 followers on Twitter after 2 years. Almost the double on Threads after few weeks.

Btw if someone doesn’t follow me on Twitter yet →


Promoters is one thing. It’s also nice for projects to gain visibility :+1:

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That’s a good one :joy::joy::joy:

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So if i am getting it right, threads is more similar to twitter than tiktok


Much more similar to twitter but just like @fabsltsa said, twitter is far ahead of it in terms of advancement, which I still think with time, Thread will evolve


Ok, just logged in there, trying to see how it works.

Just hoping for the best


My handle is @youngyuppie22 feel free to follow me. I will follow back.


Ok will do that, but i see threads as shabby copy of twitter. Avid twitter supporters will never leave and come there. What they created is no different from twitter is offering.


It is a copy but with a lot of features missing.
Also I doubt sharing revenue stream with influencers is and will be on the table. Zuck don’t share :joy:


I dont know why that guy is so stingy. He doesnt share anything, thats why we need web3 to finally boot away this greedy web2 folks.

Tired of wasting my data on their platform and gaining nothing in return.

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Hello every one
I need help pls to virify my token I trnsfer them befor 735 days 2021-07-29 -
The token show in my account but there is no price $ ?
I login in with my wallet and try to sign in with my email but the site didnt allow me it’s appear still loading account
pls help me i will gift some token
I try to contact tron support but there is no option just submit a ticket for token and no one answer to me…


What token are you talking about?
What wallet are you using?
What‘s the website you’re trying to log in with email?


traon link wallet
I transfer it befor two years

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I found it unnecessary after using twitter (now X) for a long time and if it ever gets successful it’ll take some time.


I first thought leofi threads lol, didnt expect the alleged twitter (X) >:(

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Let’s do it! Togheter we can grow! :blush:

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Totally agree mate never ever tried it tbh I think X is gonna stay on top for a long timee

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