BttTipBot - Tipping is mandatory sir

Absolutely! Tipping is mandatory Sir :grin:. I love what you’re building and will definitely test out your project and provide feedback once this hackathon chaos is over. I’ve been super busy these past days and couldn’t test it out earlier.

However, you have my vote! I also checked out your OnChainVision project _ it looks very promising. not many projects are android application, so I voted for it too. Great job, team, and best of luck with the results :v:.

I invite you to check out our project CodeHive as well. We just released a new feature that allows users to post coding problems with bounties attached. You’re going to love it!

Kudos to the team for qualifying @constantinpricope201 @Gordian @MirelaIoana24 :clap:

Cheers :hugs: