Claim free TRX by Stian

The whole Crypto sphere almost feels like gambling sometimes.

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Man, I feel like a newbie always stalling to get TronLink wallet installed, but Iā€™ve to this time around.


Thank you for the update, ā€¦20 - 30 which means sometimes there might be 2 claims between 60 mins ,ā€¦ just asking for a friend :eyes::thinking:

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The way the contract is design is it not very useful for the average user, and the only people who are and will be able to claim any Tron are bot

since the contract is made to give away 10 trx every 1 hr for one user.

i wrote a script to monitor the contract and i notice that when the time reach not even 1 seconds passed and the 10trx is already claimed donā€™t know if you are claiming it yourself or someone else is behide it. but if your project has clear intension has you stated here, I will advise you revise the contract logic.

I was able to claim twice yesterday and I am not a bot. lol

now it is not 1hr again it appears randomly abd I think I was lucky and also I stayed online for about 15 mins to be able to catch the claim


today I havenā€™t been lucky and it is because I have not devoted time for it. we realized someone joined with a bot that was Saturday evening but it was blacklisted. It the Claim was not even showing but that address was blacklisted


you can also dm the dev and suggest a new way. I see this is a difficult way and only those who devote time for it wins. At first it was easy because you know 1 hour claim will show but now it is not like that


Hehe I donā€™t think there is any room for bot because I was lucky to claim twice this morning but was not lucky again since then :joy: it seems the claiming time is now rotational, I think lucky guys are the ones sleeping day & night over there :joy:


I was able to claim twice this morning.
I understand we have users what will be so close to tiler phone to claim.

No doubt we might have bot.
But the new telegram name to whitelist should solved that.


not easy ooh hard time :joy::joy::joy:

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look am response from a dev point of view. because why would i want to open the browser and constantly if there is no chance from me even get a % of that when i can simply write a script to do that monitoring and let me know when it time to claim or do the claiming.


this is my little script i wrote.

i will like the dev to improve the contract few suggestion>

so the current contract while it works - which allow someone to claim within a specific time range either minimum is 45min and masx is 70mins

which this anyone can write a scrript to monit constant check for if there is a claimableAmount if so they will claim it, with this> it means they wont need to visit the site at all. since everything is can be done on the contract.

also the whitelist does nothing basically since anyone can be whitelisted even without having to join the tg group.

Anyone can be whitelisted without actually joining the Telegram group. To make the whitelist more meaningful, I suggest creating a Telegram bot. This bot could be programmed to add whitelist addresses to the contract, but only if the request comes from the botā€™s associated account. Users would have to join the Telegram group and use a specific command, like ā€œ/addwhitelist,ā€ to be added to the whitelist.

Another idea is to make the claiming process more random. Instead of a first-come, first-served approach, you could implement a system where, for example, 10 people have to submit claims, and the last person to claim triggers the process. The contract could then randomly select one wallet from the 10 claims. This would make the process more exciting and less predictable.

and last, to prevent abuse, you could add a cooldown period. If a wallet attempts to claim multiple times within a short period, the contract could restrict that wallet from claiming for a specified number of hours. This penalty could help deter users from trying to manipulate the system.

These changes could help make the contract more engaging, fair, and secure for all users.

and if anyone want to talk about luck it not been able to claim 3 times in a role using bot. for the dev i know this might be a personal project but need to make it fun and fair so people want to get involve


Stian the dev of this project built it to give back to TRON community and he hopes to create this into something bigger with everyoneā€™s support. I am sure he will take your suggestions.


Everyone with their different skill level of developing project. It good to see different ideas and suggestions towards shaping this project. @Prince-Onscolo and other. Last night all my night in vain. Not even 0.1 claim.

Yes I believe all wil be open for suggestions and future implementation or improvements to make this project better

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Oh so you are part of those who sacrifice their sleep to test the dapp, good keep it up dear. I woke up around 2am and got one lol. I couldnā€™t wait again

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I like your submission what I donā€™t like is someone trying to write script to get advantage over non-devs. I thought we were all having fun but when devs enter someone like me will never enjoy the dapp. I have been monitoring the dapp and mostly I report suspicious address. Someone like you will always write scripts to know when to claim what about @Gordian @manfred_jr and others who canā€™t write scripts, should they stop visiting the sites? I like your suggestion but please make it more fair to us by not writing any script to monitor when to claim. Hahaha thank you.

I have no idea about scripts but I have been able to claim more than twice since it started, I take it as luck since it is random and I donā€™t know any scripts


@Rink3y will be happy if you can create one for your project, it will help promote your project :pray:t3:

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I got suprise to know, that for the small community giveback token, na him script comot come. I just weak.
Hear the name Auto claimer.

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:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: we have to learn how to code

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