Decentralised Character AI

Hi Tronics :wave:,

Over the last few days, we have been brainstorming strategies to make our product more sustainable. :seedling: We will be sharing more details and tokenomics soon, but here are some high-level plans for which we would appreciate community and judge feedback. :mega:

Currently, our revenue model allows creators to create paid characters, and we deduct a fee from creators whenever a user purchases a paid character. However, the current model does not incentivize users to actively engage with our platform. To address this, we plan to launch our dCAi Token. :moneybag:

Here are the high-level tokenomics plans:

  1. Users will earn dCAi tokens by interacting with characters. The amount of tokens earned will depend on the level of interaction. :handshake:
  2. Users will need to stake a certain amount of dCAi tokens to access premium features, such as lower response times. More premium features will be shared soon. :rocket:
  3. Creators will earn dCAi tokens based on user interactions with their characters, providing a passive income stream and encouraging them to create more characters. :hammer_and_wrench:
  4. Creators will be limited to creating a few (2-3) characters initially. To create more, they will need to purchase a premium package, and the revenue earned from this will be used to burn dCAi tokens. :fire:
  5. Both paid and free characters will be available in the new version. Paid characters will offer a certain number of trial messages, after which users will need to pay to continue interacting with the character. :speech_balloon:
  6. A percentage fee will be deducted when users pay for a paid character, and the revenue generated from this fee will be used to burn dCAi tokens. :money_with_wings:
  7. If a character becomes very popular, we will add a feature that allows creators to directly create a meme token for that character, enhancing its uniqueness and monetization potential. :star2:

We are still planning aspects such as how to bring in initial liquidity. :bulb:

We look forward to receiving initial feedback from the community before we plan further and share a detailed roadmap. :world_map:

@admin.hackathon @HODL @manfred_jr @nesbit @Rahul7 @arman @SimbadMarino @soxaci @StevenTRON @WindsOfChange92 @Andreaxino