Me dirijo a toda la comunidad, pero en particular a compañeros que he compartido momentos en los otros hackathones como son @fabsltsa , @Prince-Onscolo , @Nana66419 , @Tashlion @Simon, @Sirluke y algún otro que ahora no me viene a la memoria, no os sintáis ofendidos.
En los anteriores hackathones, cuando se abría una tema, trataba de información contrastada, descrita sencillamente y sin tecnicismos.
En este S4 se están abriendo temas que simplemente son una replica, se encuentran en las páginas de exchange, de otros escritores, etc.
No aportan lo que siempre buscábamos crear información a partir de lo que es el ecosistema, de que trata, que hemos aprendido, pero con nuestras palabras y experiencia.
Agradecería opinarais sobre este tema, me parece importante.
so many changes or differences in this season’s Hackatron. @fabsltsa has been hammering on this as far as the community is concerned. Hope people get to see this post once more and put stop to it.
Thank you mate for this observation.
I think this S4 happened to be my active participation session.
In S3 I was in for just to vote my favourite project.
In S4 I saw the need to be active, I could learn from you @fabsltsa @Nana66419 @Prince-Onscolo and others.
So far it has been good moments
But I seek correct
Or technical Correct to where I’m wrong.
I would greatly appreciate it
Thank you Tron Dao
I understand and share the same opinions. We are all here to learn and educate others in our own simple words and ways.
Topics are being created almost every second and it seems much thought from the individual’s perspective is not included.
They just copy from somewhere and dump it here. The forum preaches Authenticity, Creativity and Originality not only in the building of projects, but also in the asking and answering of questions, making of recommendations and suggestions and also in the creation of valuable topics.
If it was left for us to copy and paste here, everyone would be doing that 3 times per second.
But is that really healthy??
I love how @fabsltsa keeps putting people on their toes, but for them to learn is the individual’s decision.
Concuerdo contigo, pero ante todo estamos en un foro que lo que cuenta es la genuidad de cada uno, con equívocos o aciertos.
Aprendemos y enseñamos a la misma vez, cada cual con un tema diferente en el mismo contexto.
Trabajemos todos juntos para formar un comunidad de valor y calidad.
Los nuevos usuarios que accedan sientan la calidad que se está ofreciendo en este foro, en diferentes temas.
Yes you said it right
Yes it it’s ONLY copy and paste
Then all of will be posting like bot
It’s best to have organic learning, discussion and conversation
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I like what you said there
We should grow together to build
Of value and quality
Thank you
Hahah it shall be well, time will tell.
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It is important that valuable content is created with user experiences and in their own expressions, together it can be created.
I guess this has to do with the Trust Level, that will be required for voting. Many users are already posting just to get to TL1.
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