Retroalimentación después de las votaciones

Hola, ha empezado la ronda de votación a los proyectos seleccionados.
Una vez pulsado el botón de voto no hay marcha atrás.
Cabe pensar:

  1. He dado el voto correcto
  2. Ayudará mi voto a finalizar un proyecto que me dará beneficios a mí y a la comunidad.
  3. Se ha desarrollado según los criterios de usabilidad.
  4. Ayudará a dar valor al ecosistema de Tron.
    Animaros a hacer una retroalimentación como miembros del foro.
    Espero vuestros comentarios.

Yes buddy.
In my own part… I have done my fundamental voting right.
I had to check double check before I vote.
Voted for those I think will have Great important to us and Tron blockchain at large.


Gracias por tu respuesta, esto puede ayudar a indecisos.


I think this is how it should be.
I really like something about this season’s Hackatron.
Mostly the Community polls are won by those with community. So whether they have the best project or not they gets vote. (Not talking about any particular project) but this is the reality. You can’t do away with biases.

So this mostly affect new project coming because they are now building a community so the little people who will find their project attractive will vote for them. This season we have separated most OG projects from New projects. And as you can see the builder’s track are now leading in terms of number of vote.

They all have almost the same community so that track will be determined by what you are actually building (that’s my opinion)

You talked about “when you press the vote button” that’s it and you can’t do anything again. With the voting here you have chances to go back to undo your votes and vote for those you think you want to give you votes to


To vote good projects that are ready to deliver is our utmost concern


Gracias por tu reflexión, es importante la decisión que se ha tomado de separar proyectos nuevos con proyectos ya veteranos en el foro.
Todos los proyectos deben tener su espacio para desarrollarse sin que nadie les haga sombra.
Gracias amigo.


You are welcome bro.
It is very important


I have already made the vote, as you indicate I have made the feedback.
I can say that I am satisfied with my vote and with the benefits it can bring to the community.