Good luck to everyone in the competition.
Hola, si usted cree que otros proyectos están recibiendo votos que los considera no lĂcitos, dirijase al administrador o a Devpost, ellos le informaran de lo que debe hacer. Suerte
Sounds great to hear this
where is the voting taking place, i cant see the voting link or something
Interesting idea good work
@GokhanCeylan As an innocent third party, isn’t this an accusation to them? Anyway shaa it is good you are observing but pls make sure you are sure🤷
This is an amazing thing to hear so nice
In the Tron Hackathon tab… You can vote in that page if you re trust level one
@Euna21 Yes, I know, but I want to claim my rights. Most of the 80 votes account was opened in between 10-13 november and they cast their votes in just 1 hour. Also, when I forwarded this message, they tried to leave my texts with pictures above. Yes, I don’t have clear proof but I want Devpost and Forum to review the situation.
@Euna21 Imagine that you are 3rd in the competition and an account with 9 votes gets 90 votes in an hour, almost equal to the sum of the 1st places votes in the other categories. What path would you follow?
@Euna21 t’s not just about promoting this project on social media or anything. I think there is definitely a problem there.
Looks like they also posted a bunch of spam comments in the vote thread… Best case scenario they are an old project with a group chat where they announced just now that they were participating
Yea definitely, I hope @admin.hackathon will deal with the situation. Devpost and Tron are really good at solving problem. We’re just waiting for them
Is it possible they are a project with big chat? Don’t know but if they have big chat and type “go vote now!” then many will vote at same time
great awesome
how do I get to vote
@zaraelli Then you think it makes sense for 100 people to open an account on November 10-14 and write “go vote now” and vote at the same time within 1 hour, but you don’t find it reasonable for me to ask for a review of the situation. Got it, man.
@zaraelli In addition, it is not surprising to you that the 1st project, which received 130 votes in 1 hour, had a total of 26 project likes. You are indeed an interesting observer.
Why so aggressive Sir? I just noted that because it’s ecosystem track the projects are not new so it is possible they have an audience already and maybe a telegram/discord. But yes I agree with you it looks suspect. Hope it gets resolved.
I do find it reasonable that you ask for a review, I never said anything else in my comment
Sorry mate, I’m just a little nervous. I didn’t want to say anything to you. You are right in what you say. I hope they fix it like you said.