Project Name: PhotoSafe Project Track: Academy Team Name: 3 Amigos Team Member(s): @ayman_3x@osama@Adam DevPost URL:N/A Project Goal: Utilize the btfs network and create a decentralized app that allows users to upload single/multiple files to the BTFS network and provide a great UI/UX for accessing files. Project Info:
Project Website: PhotoSafe - BTFS Storage3.0 PhotoSafe - Vercel Project Test Instructions: Connect your wallet and ensure you have enough BTT or WBTT(ERC-20 1:1) tokens available to cover the cost of the transaction ( depending on data uploaded) .
Project Details:PhotoSafe allows its user to upload any file permanently to the BTFS network in a cost efficient manner and provides a nice experience for viewing uploaded files. Project Milestones:
As far as I can understand, this is a storage platform where documents or images can be stored, my question is, is the platform free of RISK?
If it’s not, does it have a BACKUP SYSTEM of operation?
Thank you.
With this, files can be saved forever in a decentralized platform! This is fantastic. I wish the team goodluck with this and I can’t wait to see the front end soon
Great question! Almost all systems have a certain degree of risk, In the case for PhotoSafe, if there are no nodes that have the data pinned then it will be forever gone from the network. We will always pin uploaded data and will have to ensure that our node stays active. We are also looking into ways to pin data by other nodes to further reduce risk
Sorry for the delayed response, had to look up an answer to this amazing question!
Content in the BTFS network is accessible to all connected peers as long as they know the hash. It’s possible however to encrypt the content with a key. Here is a implementation on the ipfs network that could also be replicated. We will look into ways to include this functionality in our app.