Project Name: Compute Allocation
Project Track: Academy
Team Member(s): 1, gchandra7
DevPost URL: Not required
Project Goal: Utilizing the power of idle systems with efficient fault tolerance
Project Info: Any company using heavy in-house hardware would have their systems idle at night, for eg. all trading systems only use their computers during market hours. There should be a way for them to securely give their computing resources to anyone requesting it, this can help people have another alternative other than using cloud service providers like Azure, AWS, GCP, etc. If we store all the information of free systems on a blockchain, like their computing power, availability, etc., and have a task given to this blockchain network, then it can allocate this and distribute tasks. If the task is parallelizable, then among multiple nodes(idle systems) for faster computation, and if any of it fails, it can then be re-allocated to some other node. This consensus of available systems would greatly benefit from a layer1 network like TronDAO. There can be a lot of applications of this, for example in the Medical industry - if we want to run some anonymous computations, this can be easily done on the TronDAO network, and we can also give some predictions on top of it without revealing any patient information. Tron supports high throughput, high scalability, and high availability, and it has a rapidly growing developer community, introducing a project like this would be perfect for it.
Project Milestones: Currently scoping out this project and trying to get a small prototype ready.
Sounds interesting, waiting for more update.
If the post is created after the deadline when will the update be available?
Is it allowed to keep building after the deadline?
Hola, parece ser un proyecto interesante, con otras alternativas a obtener información en caso de necesitarla en algunos sectores de servicios.
As it’s a big project, I didn’t think I could get something hackable in one night, so I went for some CRUD-based projects for technical and this for the non-technical track.
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Sounds very very interesting
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Can you share the other informations please?
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Sounds interesting waiting for more update
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awesome project, wanna see more details, waiting for it <3
I like the idea mate
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New adeals activated.