EduTron - An educational platform for organisations and developers

At this point, I’m particularly concerned about certificate recognition. So moving forward, what steps are you taking to ensure that certifications are recognized by both employers and educational institutions outside the platform?

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Ok ok ok I am getting you very well but you know that it is big work to build trust in a situation like this, how are you going to be transparent in how the funds are used, thank you

Hello sir , everything will be onchain as we are thinking to give certificate as an nft so it can be easily verified by anyone

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Ok for your response but I am not a sir, I am a lady, thank you

Welcome to hackathon S7, I went through your project and your details are not complete and I believe you can do something about it, please I will ask questions when more details is added.

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What more details needed , please let me know I will add

Like instructional video for testing

Yes we are working on the project . When it gets complete we will share

Hello buddy, the project looks good and your intention to bring credentials on chain is really exciting. Have a few questions around the viability of the platform but before that would like to ask why is your project in Integration category? I don’t see any protocol integration or decentralised storage or oracles.

@admin.hackathon @SimbadMarino we saw a lot of confusion regarding the track selection in the last hackathon as well. This year as well, I have not seen projects in integration category till now following the required terms. I think there should be more clear guidelines maybe or community can help you in identifying projects under integration category looks fine or not.
This will help the projects as well to gain proper support from the community.

@manfred_jr @Gordian @Relate101 @fabsltsa and other community members, your views would be appreciated here.


Hello @manfred_jr @Gordian need little help regarding development little stuck in wallet connection

Hello and thank you for letting us know!

Kindly refer to the official rules regarding the integration track:

Integration track is exclusively reserved for projects significantly using one of the following protocols: HTX DAO, stUSDT, Just Ecosystem (Justlend, sTRX, Energy Rental), Sunswap, Sun Dapp Chain, ApeNFT, USDD, BitTorrent File System, Google Cloud.

The term significantly might be misinterpreted we know but we have to adhere to common sense on this. If a projects wants to build an integration track project using BTFS, it wont be enough to qualify if they just upload some files to BTFS and use it as their static assets. Projects would need to create a project around BTFS, something like a website builder using BTFS, An icloud-like service using BTFS, etc.

I hope the following screenshot clarifies further on the applicability for the Integration track:

Having said that, @ayushs1 , please help to change your submission track to Web3

Thank you!

Hello @ayushs1 , thank you for building with us! Your project is a challenging one and the idea of creating blockchain certificates as proof of knowledge is something several entities would be interested in.

Is your idea building on top of already existing platforms like Udemy, Coursera, Youtube, etc for the content and courses and beyond that your platform focuses on exams & certificates?

Maybe you could join forces with @arman from codehive for the vetting process :slight_smile:

All the best! Hope to see your MVP soon to begin testing and provide feedback.

P.S. Please make sure you add dates for your milestones and also create your post in devpost and link it here in the post.


ok chaing track to web3

I would like to do it individually

could you please elaborate stUSDT ?

Welcome to Tron hackathon season 7. An incentives learning platform sounds nice.

What type of courses should we be expecting on Edutron, and specific area of focus?

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Any type of course blockchain learning , web development learning basically focused on coding side

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Will there be any fees for organizations or students to use the platform?

Organisation will put the money while listing course , when student will complete they will get certain percent from it