[Updates] Project CertiFi - Immutable Academic Credentials powered by Tron Blockchain (Highlights and Updates)

Hello Tron Community,

We are team CertiFi and we would like to share our project and some cool updates regarding our project post hackathon. Interesting updates at the end:

CertiFi is a blockchain powered academic credentials management suite. We have already deployed blockchain credentials across multiple universities who have already issued more than 5000 blockchain powered transcripts, digital diplomas, digital badges, etc. We are now bringing this solution on Tron and have build it as part of Tron Hackathon 2022 Season 2.

Academic credentialing is a 10 Billion+ USD market. Traditional systems are costing more than $10 per credential per issuance which takes days to process. With CertiFi, the cost per issuance comes down to <$1 with instant issuance capabilities and no need for re-issuance as these credentials are immutable.

Hackathon Project Link: https://getcertifi.app

Code and system architecture: GitHub - Ronak-59/Certifi: CertiFi - Academic Credentialing Solution powered by IPFS and Tron Blockchain (Shasta Testnet) developed as part of Tron Hackathon 2022 Season 2.

More details (Forum post): CertiFi by Team CertiFi: Academic Credentials powered by Blockchain

Important Updates:

  • We have been approached by multiple incubators and investors including Pioneer thanks to the hackathon!

  • Got a potential investor via Devpost submission who we’re in talks with to expand and scale up this solution.

  • We are working on interoperability of this solution so it works across blockchains and platforms with a specific schema/standard.

  • Our customized deployed solutions have made more than $50000+ so far and everyday more than 20+ credentials being issued on average currently.

  • We are exploring several hackathon projects and the community for potential partnerships and integrations. For example, Credentials issued as NFTs (Ideally SBTs). We’d really appreciate if you’ve build a project in the hackathon that you think can leverage some synergies!

  • If you like the project, we’d really appreciate your support “vote” on the Hackathon voting post: Hackathon 2022 S2 - Vote for your favorite projects here! (Project Code: W43 in the Web3 category)

Thank you Tron Community! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Also, we’re fully open for partnerships, collaboration and integrations! :smile:


Great Idea and implementation, you guys will do great.

If you guys do have plans to go multi-chain you could also use TRON’s Multi-chain blockchain Bittorrent.

Also, instead of IPFS you could go full TRON tech and use
BitTorrent File System. (Weigh your options)



@WindsOfChange92 thank you for sharing this information! It’s very useful for the multi-chain interoperability on the roadmap. We will be exploring both BTTC and BTFS. :heart: